Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) brings audio, video, and web communication together in a single on-premise conferencing solution. The platform is scalable and interoperates with a variety of 3rd party solutions.
The CMS software, regardless of the hardware platform, comes bundled with all necessary components to deploy every feature. It is up to the administrator to configure one or more CMS service components to provide scalability, redundancy, and functionality such as external access. The CMS software is available for dedicated hardware appliances as well as a virtual appliance.
There are three deployment models for CMS: Single Combined, Single Split, and Scalable and Resilient Meeting Server deployments. The Single Combined deployment model is exactly that - one server running all the services you need. In most cases, this type of deployment is applicable only to internal-only access and in smaller environments, where the scalability and redundancy limitations of a single server are not a critical concern, or in situations where the CMS is only tasked with specific features, such as ad-hoc conferencing.
The Single Split deployment model extends the previous configuration by adding a separate server for external access. In legacy deployments, this meant deploying a CMS server in the edge network, where external clients could reach it, and one CMS server in the core, where internal clients have access. This particular deployment model is now being supplanted by what is called the Single Edge, which consists of Cisco Expressway servers, which either have or will have many of the edge traversal capabilities, so customers will not need to add a dedicated CMS edge server just for CMS.
This leads us to the final deployment model: Scalable and Resilient. This includes redundancy for each component, allowing for the system to grow with your needs to its maximum capacity, while providing redundancy in case of failure. It also leverages the Single Edge concept to provide secure external access. This is the model we will examine in this lab. If you understand this, you will not only understand the other deployment models, but it will allow you to understand how to build a system with growth in mind.
The newer single edge architecture, which you will deploy in this lab, still includes all core roles for CMS, however we will utilize the Cisco Expressway series of products to allow external access to our meetings and provide secure firewall traversal. While there are currently still some feature gaps between the single edge model and the traditional Acano/CMS deployments, we will introduce the concepts for deploying a Collaboration Edge that can be applied regardless of CMS or Expressway.
Lab Topology
The lab topology presented here will expose you to configuration methods and design concerns applicable to every complex CMS deployment.
The core software components for CMS are:
You will note that we did not include things like Loadbalancer or TURN server. These are CMS components that are deployed exclusively in the edge network. For this lab, we will not deploy any CMS servers at all in the DMZ at the Edge. We will leave this functionality for Expressway. This does currently limit us to not being able to deploy CMA (other than WebRTC CMA), however this can leverage an existing Expressway deployment and traditional CMA will eventually be supported by this architecture.
For this lab, we will examine the scalable, resilient deployment model for CMS. We will add call control via the Unified CM and provide external access with the Cisco Expressway as well as management capabilities with Cisco Meeting Management (CMM). In understanding these components and the interactions between the products and their features, we will better understand how CMS is deployed in nearly every other deployment scenario.
The software versions used in this lab are CMS 2.9, CMM, Expressway X12.5.6 for external access, and Jabber 12.7.1 as our video client. Differences in product capabilities or configuration steps may exist in older or newer versions.
Unlike most other Cisco products, Cisco Meeting Server supports (in fact in most cases requires) three methods of configuration to get any larger deployment off the ground:
In addition, the SFTP protocol is used to transfer files - typically licenses, certificates, or logs - to and from the CMS server. While there may be tools that can configure much of this, it is imperative for administrators to understand and be comfortable with each of these methods of access and the type of information each provides.
Before getting started, let’s map out exactly what you will accomplish in this lab:
In this lab you will use the Secure Shell extension for Google Chrome for MMP (SSH CLI) access. For Web Admin access you will use Google Chrome, and for API-related configuration tasks we will use the Postman application.
Throughout this lab, you will find that CMS is indeed a powerful product with many features. It is truly a Swiss Army knife for interoperability. While it is impossible to cover all scenarios, we have tried to highlight a few specific configuration methods and design practices that will help you understand the CMS capabilities as well as give you the tools to deploy these or other features successfully.
Now that the underlying database and the REST API are available by enabling Web Admin, you can focus on enabling and configuring the most important of the core services, the Call Bridge. You will also license your CMS servers in this section as well. The Call Bridge is the one service present in every CMS deployment. The Call Bridge is the main conferencing engine. It also provides the SIP interface, so that calls can be routed to/from it from external call control, such as the Cisco Unified CM.
As with other services, initial configuration of the Call Bridge begins in the CLI. And as before, you must assign certificates for the service and bind the service to an interface. Start by connecting to server CMS1A.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
Enter the following command to associate the certificates with the Call Bridge service:
Next bind the service to an interface:
Finally, restart the service:
The callbridge command gives some status information about the Call Bridge service, although it is primarily to check that the certificates are assigned.
CMS1b and CMS1c already have their certificates installed, so no need to do anything to those servers.
Now that the Call Bridge service is enabled, you can install the licenses. You may be wondering why you didn't install the licenses earlier. There is an issue where if you install the license before the Call Bridge service is enabled, the license command does not show any output at all, even if the license file is present.
The license file is bound to the MAC address of the “a” interface of the system. To obtain the MAC address, use the
command from the CLI. Connect to CMS1A to issue the command.Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
You would typically provide the MAC address to Cisco to get a license. Once Cisco has issued the license, it needs to be copied to the CMS server in a file named cms.lic. We have already generated the licenses for your servers, so the only thing you need to do is upload them.
Using username "admin".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password:
Remote working directory is /
local:pod9.lic => remote:/cms.lic
OR to enter all commands at once:
cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
put pod9.lic cms.lic
Now you can SSH back to the CLI of the CMS servers and see the licenses with the
command.Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
c1sco123 |
For the license to take effect you need to restart the Call Bridge service on the CMS.
Now you can configure Call Bridge Clustering. Call Bridge clustering is different than the forms of clustering configured so far. It can support anywhere from 2 to 8 nodes without and special permissions (it can scale higher, with approval from Cisco). It provides not only redundancy, but also load sharing, whereby conferences can be actively distributed between Call Bridge servers using intelligent distribution of calls.
Call Bridge clustering will be configured primarily through the Web Admin interface. Follow these steps:
You must repeat this for each of the other Call Bridges servers, configuring CB_cms1b and CB_cms1c as the unique names. Follow these steps to do this:
Finally, configure the same for Call Bridge cms1c.
Now that all the Call Bridge servers have unique Call Bridge identities, you can configure the clustering. To do this, you need to create a full mesh whereby you tell each server about the other two servers in the cluster as well as adding an entry for itself. Follow these instructions to enable Call Bridge clustering:
You should now see all three servers on the list like this:
If you reload this web page, you should eventually show the two non-local Call Bridges with a connection active status. This means that they are successfully sending and receiving keepalives. If you access any other Call Bridge, the clustering page should show the same status, since they are sharing the same information via the clustered database.
Follow these steps to confirm the connections are active on the other two servers:
In some instances, if there is a problem during setup, a fault will be generated on this page. If there is a problem while doing the initial setup, usually the quickest way to get around this is to simply remove the offending Call Bridge from the Configuration > Cluster page and then re-add it. Other more persistent issues are typically due to connectivity problems, certificate errors, or problems in the network time or DNS setup.
You have now completed the basic Call Bridge clustering.
CMS requires encrypted communications between various components and as a result, X.509 certificates are required for all CMS deployments. They help ensure that a service/server can be trusted by other devices/services.
There are three types of certificates to consider: self-signed, private certificate authority (CA)-signed, and public CA-signed.
Although every service requires a certificate, creating individual certificates for each service can add unnecessary complexity. Fortunately, you can generate a certificate public and private key pair, then re-use it for multiple services. In this lab you will obtain a single certificate for Call Bridge, and Web Admin. The certificate will also be used to create the full chain certificate used for Web Bridge, and with some additional considerations taken into account in advance, this certificate will also be able to integrate with on-premise Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business.
Database clustering has some special certificate requirements described later and therefore each database cluster member requires both a database server and database client certificate. These are almost always signed by the same, private CA.
For all CA-signed certificates (both public and private), the general process is as follows:
Once uploaded to the CMS servers, the certificates are available for use. The certificates just need to be assigned to the components that require them. You will do this step as you go through and configure the individual services.
This section will walk you through generating a Certificate Signing Request, getting it signed, and installing the certificates. As mentioned earlier, you will be using a single certificate for Call Bridge and Web Admin. The full chain certificate used for Web Bridge will also be generated from this single certificate. You will then generate separate certificates for the database.
The document Certificate Guidelines for Scalable and Resilient Deployments goes into detail on all the certificate requirements for a CMS deployment. We highly recommended you read through this document before you do a production deployment of CMS. This lab follows the guidelines from this document. These are the requirements for the combined non-database certificates:
The pki csr command has the following syntax:
The key/cert_basename is just the file name that will be used for the key and certificate files. Different file extensions will be appended to this base name depending on the type of file. It can be anything (as long as there aren't any special characters), but it's usually best to give it a name that reflects the server/service that you're generating the certificate for, like servername or servername-service. There are many other optional parameters: O: for Organization, L: for location, and so on. None of these are mandatory, especially for a private CA-signed certificate.
Use these links to connect to your CMS servers:
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
c1sco123 |
You will start with the combined certificate on
:This exact same procedure was already done on cms1b and cms1c. Only the server name in the subjectAltName field is different and, of course, the file name, to make it easier to keep track.
Before downloading the CSR via SFTP, follow the next set of steps to generate the CSRs for the database components.
CMS uses a postgres database with a single master and multiple, fully-meshed replicas. There is only a single master database at a time (the “database server”). The remaining cluster members are replicas or “database clients”.
For redundancy to work, database clusters must consist of at least 3 servers but no more than 5, with a maximum round-trip time of 200ms between any cluster members. This limit is more restrictive than Call Bridge clustering, so it is often the limiting factor in geographically dispersed deployments.
The database role for CMS has some unique requirements. Unlike other roles, it requires a client and server certificate, where the client certificate has a specific CN field that is presented to the server.
For the database cluster, a dedicated server certificate and client certificate are required. These must be signed certificates, typically by an internal private CA. Because any of the database cluster members may become the master, the database server and client certificate pairs (containing the public and private keys) must be copied to all of the servers so they can assume the identity of a database client or server. Additionally, the CA’s root certificate must be loaded to ensure that the client and server certificates can be validated.
Like before, use the pki csr command to generate the CSR. Connect to cms1a and issue the command below.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
c1sco123 |
These steps have already been performed on cms1b and cms1c.
Next, create the database client certificate. This one is unique in that it requires setting CN:postgres. No other fields, such as the machine FQDN or other information, is required.
Again, these steps have already been performed on cms1b and cms1c.
Now that you have created all the necessary certificate requests, you can download them.
You will need download the key files and the signing requests using the PC1 Remote Desktop session. The reason for this is that this machine is part of the Windows Domain, allowing you to easily use the command-line interface to sign the certificates. Depending on your Certificate Authority, the process for getting the certificates signed will be different. But in all cases, the files must be downloaded first and CSRs signed.
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
Using username "admin".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password: c1sco123
Connected to cms1a.pod9.cms.lab.
Remote working directory is /
psftp> get cms1a.csr
remote:/cms1a.csr => local:cms1a.csr
psftp> get dbclusterserver.csr
remote:/dbclusterserver.csr => local:dbclusterserver.csr
psftp> get dbclusterclient.csr
remote:/dbclusterclient.csr => local:dbclusterclient.csr
psftp> exit
OR to enter all commands at once, click below:
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
get cms1a.csr
get dbclusterserver.csr
get dbclusterclient.csr
You now have 3 CSRs that need to be signed: cms1a.csr, dbclusterserver.csr, and dbclusterclient.csr. We have provided an internal Microsoft Certificate Authority to sign these requests. Follow the instructions below to upload the requests to the CA.
Now you should have 3 certificates in your Certificates folder: cms1a.cer, dbclusterserver.cer, and dbclusterclient.cer. You can check this with the
command on PC1.Since all of the certificates are trusted by the same Certificate Authority, in many instances you will need to supply the CA's certificate as well. This is another file that can very easily be downloaded from the Certificate Authority that will be used to sign all of our certificate requests.
This will download the root CA file in base-64 encoding to your Certificates folder on PC1 and name the file cmslab-root-ca.cer.
Some services, such as the Recorder, require a trust bundle to identify all certificates of clients that it will accept, as a form of authentication. To create such a bundle, you must create a file that contains all three server certificates (from cms1a, cms1b, and cms1c) in a single file.
For this lab, the server certificates for cms1b and cms1c have already been already created for you. You just need to download them by following these steps:
New in CMS version 2.9 is a completely redesigned Web Bridge service known as Web Bridge 3. There are new certificate requirements for Web Bridge 3 to be able to authenticate with the Call Bridge service on te CMS server, one of which is to create a certificate chain which concatenates the CMS identity certificate with the Certificate Authority Root Certificate as a form of authentication. To create this certificate chain, you must concatenate the CMS identity certificate with our private Certificate Authority's Root Certificate. Follow the instructions below to accomplish this task.
Finally, you need to upload the appropriate files back onto the CMS servers. Each server should have its own certificate, and the certificates for the database server and client including the private keys. Because the database CSRs were generated on cms1a, that server already has those private keys, so you do not have to re-upload them.
To upload the files back to the CMS servers use SFTP and the psftp client on PC1 as follows.
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
Using username "admin".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password: c1sco123
Connected to cms1a.pod9.cms.lab.
Remote working directory is /
psftp> put cms1a.cer
local:/cms1a.cer => remote:cms1a.cer
psftp> put dbclusterserver.cer
local:/dbclusterserver.cer => remote:dbclusterserver.cer
psftp> put dbclusterclient.cer
local:/dbclusterclient.cer => remote:dbclusterclient.cer
psftp> put cms1a-fullchain.cer
local:/cms1a-fullchain.cer => remote:cms1a-fullchain.cer
psftp> put cms1abc.cer
local:/cms1abc.cer => remote:cms1abc.cer
psftp> put cmslab-root-ca.cer
local:/cmslab-root-ca.cer => remote:cmslab-root-ca.cer
psftp> exit
OR to enter all commands at once:
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
put cms1a.cer
put dbclusterserver.cer
put dbclusterclient.cer
put cms1a-fullchain.cer
put cmslab-root-ca.cer
You won't need to use PC1 again until later in the lab when you will need to use it as a client for placing test calls.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
c1sco123 |
To make sure the certificates were uploaded correctly, you can ssh to CMS and use the pki list command which will give a list of the file names (The ones in bold are the the ones that will be required for proper operation. The .csr files are no longer needed.) Take a look at CMS1a:
CMS1b and CMS1c will have the exact same certificate files except that they will have cms1b.key/cms1b.cer or cms1c.key/cms1c.cer instead of cms1a.key/cms1a.cer.
This simply verifies that the files are actually there, it does not check the contents in any way. CMS does provide the pki inspect command to dump the contents of a file, which is useful for checking things like the expiration date or subjectAltName fields present, as well as the pki verify command to verify the certificate is signed by the CA and that the certificate bundle can be used to assert this.
Feel free to test this, for example, on cms1a, you could issue the command:
If this succeeds, you know that the certificate you generated is signed by our CA certificate and is in fact correctly represented in the CA bundle.
It is also possible to verify that a certificate matches a given private key with the pki match command:
Now that you have all the certificates uploaded to the CMS servers you can configure and enable database clustering between the three nodes. The first step is to initialize the cluster on one node, making it the master. All other nodes, once joined, will have read-only copies of the database and will not share in the load in any way. If the master has a failure, then one of the others will become the master.
The first step in setting up database replication is to specify the certificates that will be used for the database. This is done by using the database cluster certs command. The command takes the following parameters: database cluster certs <server_key> <server_crt> <client_key> <client_crt> <ca_crt>.
Connect to your cms1a server via SSH:
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
Issue the following commands to configure the master database. First, set the certificates:
Now we tell CMS which interface to use for database clustering. The servers in this lab only have a single interface, a.
Next we initialize the cluster database on the master.
Note: Please be sure that Y gets pressed after entering the database cluster initialize command. It is not sufficient to just press Enter. The system will look like its hung otherwise.
Check the status until initialization has completed.
Now you can focus on the other database nodes. As before, we must specify the database certificate information. The command to do this is identical to cms1a as shown below. Connect to cms1b to configure the database.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
Initially the database cluster status shows everything blank.
Assign the certificates for cms1b.
Next, assign the interface for database communications.
The database cluster status reflects these changes.
Finally, join cms1b to the existing master (cms1a.pod9.cms.lab) by specifying its hostname or IP address as follows.
Now check the progress with the database cluster status command.
Eventually it should yield Success.
Perform the same steps on cms1c as follows.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
Now perform the exact same commands on CMS1c, but send them all at once.
Then check the progress with the database cluster status command.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
Once all slave nodes are joined, the status from all should show a Connected Master and two Connected Slaves which are both In Sync. The last command status will be specific to the particular server.
You now have a functioning database cluster and can start working on administrative access.
The Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) core server installation includes all roles typically deployed on the internal, corporate network. These services are not typically reachable directly from an external (public) network. Later sections of this lab will show you how to extend access to those servers to users outside the corporate firewalls. In deployments where you only want to provide basic audio/video conferencing, either scheduled or ad-hoc, this may be all you will need to deploy.
In this lab you will deploy three CMS core servers. These are virtualized CMS servers that do not have the same scalability as the CMS1000 or CMS2000 platforms. In fact, the resources allocated to these virtual machines are extremely limited, so at times video quality may not be optimal in this lab environment; however, all product features are present to give you the opportunity to experience the product first-hand.
The core roles you will deploy on these servers are the Database, and Call Bridge roles. Each of these roles will be clustered for high availability. You will also configure the Web Admin for administrative and API access. Optionally, Web Bridge services are added so clients can join meetings via WebRTC-capable browsers. This is covered as part of the Edge access since it is most often deployed for external access.
The three CMS servers have already been installed for you, the admin password has been set (which is required after the first login), and the network interface has been configured with an IP address and gateway.
dns add forwardzone .
dns add forwardzone .
dns flush
dscp 4 multimedia 0x22
dscp 4 multimedia-streaming 0x22
dscp 4 voice 0x2E
dscp 4 signaling 0x1A
dscp 4 low-latency 0x1A
ntp server add
ntp server add
timezone America/New_York
For your reference, the following command was used to configure the IP address on the first CMS server:
This command assigns the IP address (, mask (24-bit or, and default gateway ( to the first interface, called “a”. CMS supports up to four network interfaces (named a, b, c, and d). This capability exists so that, for example, one interface can be configured for management while another for the audio/video conferencing traffic. The interfaces should not ever be connected to the same network/VLAN. In practice, this is most used for separating internal and externally facing interfaces for edge deployments, which we will discuss when examining the single edge and Cisco Expressway products later in the lab.
Let's take a look at the CMS servers in your pod. There are three, named cms1a, cms1b, and cms1c. Since cms1b and cms1c have most of the initial pieces preconfigured, let's start by accessing the MMC (the command-line interface) of cms1a via SSH:
Cisco Meeting Server | Password |
cms1a.pod9.cms.lab |
TIP: To speed up access, simply click the cms1a.pod9.cms.lab link above, then right-click inside the SSH session window that appears. That will paste the password to the terminal session.
To view the interface configuration for interface a, issue the command
. For example:Next you must configure CMS to be able to perform DNS lookups. This is important for many functions, such as locating servers and services, as well as for validating certificates. The CMS itself has a static DNS table which can be populated manually with all of the records it needs--including SRV records--but it is recommended to instead point CMS to a reliable, external DNS server.
In this lab we will make a distinction between an internal and external DNS server. The internal DNS server is the one used by devices inside your network to resolve names to IP addresses. The external server would represent a public DNS server such as one provided by an ISP, OpenDNS, or Google, for example. Because you have the same domain internally and externally, you will use what is known as split DNS, whereby a DNS query on the internal network may resolve a particular record, especially SRV records to locate services, to an internal server, whereas the public DNS server would resolve the same DNS record to a device that proxies or otherwise acts as the external entry point for that service.
The IP address of the internal DNS server for our internal clients and servers is There is also a backup server, You will configure the CMS1a server to send all DNS requests to these servers. To avoid redundant tasks, the other two servers, CMS1b and CMS1c, are already pre-configured with the exact same DNS servers.
To add the DNS server configuration, log into CMS1a and issue the following commands, starting with cms1a.pod9.cms.lab :
As mentioned, CMS supports configuring its own internal DNS server with the required A and SRV records. While this can eliminate a dependency on external DNS servers, for distributed deployments such as this one, it would require you to configure the same information on each CMS, thereby increasing the chances for mistakes and making it difficult to manage if you need to add or change an IP address. You are best off leveraging an external DNS server, but be aware that CMS is dependant on the availability of your DNS infrastructure, therefore you should ensure you have highly-available DNS servers.
You can verify DNS operation with the dns command as shown below.
To validate that DNS is working properly, issue the following command to perform a lookup for the A record cmslab-ad.cms.lab.
Every DNS lookup performed by CMS is cached locally. Because this was the first DNS server added, there is nothing more to do; however, it is worth pointing out that for any changes in DNS - either changes to the local CMS DNS entries or on the external DNS server - you will want to flush the DNS cache with the dns flush command.
Many of the services you will deploy will not function reliably without DNS. As a reference, the following table documents the additional CMS-related DNS records that have already been created on the internal DNS server for this lab. Each of the deployment guides explain other requirements for features that are outside the scope of this lab. Keep in mind that there are two domains that will be explained later in more detail: pod9.cms.lab is the domain that all Unified CM endpoints will use for their URIs. This would typically match the same domain users use for their email addresses. For example, the Jabber client on your laptop has a URI of pod9user4@pod9.cms.lab. The other domain is what you will configure for users on CMS. The CMS domain will be conf.pod9.cms.lab, so for that same Jabber user to log into CMS, they would log in using pod9user4@conf.pod9.cms.lab.
Here is a reference of other internal DNS records that are configured. Feel free to query them from your CMS.
Type | Record | Description |
A |
cms1a.pod9.cms.lab cms1b.pod9.cms.lab cms1c.pod9.cms.lab |
Resolve to the IP address of each CMS server. |
A | join.pod9.cms.lab | There will be three of these exact same A records, each pointing to a different CMS. Think of this as our cluster hostname. This entry is used by clients to reach a node in the CMS cluster. For example, they could put join.pod9.cms.lab into their browser and get connected to one of the nodes in the cluster. |
Since CMS generates real-time traffic that is sensitive to delays and packet loss, in most cases, configuring Quality of Service (QoS) is recommended. For this, CMS supports Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) tagging of packets that it generates. While the prioritization of traffic based on DSCP depends on if and how traffic is handled by your infrastructure's network components, for this lab we will configure our CMS with a typical DSCP prioritization based on QoS best practices.
CMS1b and CMS1c have already been configured, so we will focus on CMS1a. We would like to configure the system with DSCP tagging for IPv4 traffic such that all video is marked with AF41 (DSCP 0x22), all voice is tagged with EF (DSCP 0x2E), other signaling such as SIP uses AF31 (DSCP 0x1A). Configure the following commands on CMS1a:
You will note that the system requires a reboot for this to take effect. We will wait until the end of this chapter to do this, since there are other tasks that require this. For now, let us just confirm the configuration with the dscp command. We should see
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is important not just for ensuring accurate timestamps for meeting times and logs, but also for certificate validation. Configure the following two NTP servers on CMS1a. The other two servers, CMS1b and CMS1c, have the NTP servers already configured.
You can use the ntp server list command to view the NTP configuration as follows:
To check to ensure that NTP is functioning properly use the ntp status command. For a short amount of time after configuring the NTP servers, you may see a connection refused message or even a timeout, because the NTP service is restarting. Eventually, the correct status should appear as shown below.
The * next to the NTP server indicates that the clock is synchronized
Check the clock on the servers using the date command to ensure that the time is correct.
By default, the timezone on CMS is set to UTC time. To match other components, you will set the time zone to America/New_York. The timezone list command shows all known time zones.
Set the timezone on your CMS1a server to the America/New_York timezone with the timezone America/New_York command.
To reboot the server, simply issue the reboot command:
The server will take approximately 2-3 minutes to reboot. Once it has rebooted, log in again to check the clocks using the date command again.
Cisco Meeting Server | Password |
cms1a.pod9.cms.lab |
You can see that since the New York timezone is -5 or -4 from UTC (depending on daylight savings time or not), the Local time now appears 4 or 5 hours earlier than the System time.
The Web Admin provides a simple GUI for certain basic configuration tasks and monitoring. Enabling it also allows API access, which is required for all other advanced configuration tasks and even ad-hoc conference bridging with Unified CM. Web admin should be enabled on all of the CMS servers.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
cms1a.pod9.cms.lab | c1sco123 |
First, assign the certificates to be used for this service. Start with server cms1a.pod9.cms.lab.
Next, assign the listening interface and TCP port number. You must be careful when choosing the port because the Web Bridge service that you will enable later to support WebRTC traffic is also a web server, like the Web Admin service. Generally you want to have end-users reach the Web Bridge service using a well-known port number (443), so you will intentionally use a non-default port (8443) for the Web Admin service so that you can use port 443 for Web Bridge later in the lab. This is a recommended best practice.
Restart the Web Admin service for the changes to take effect. The certificates are verified and the service started.
You can use the
command to check the status of the service at any time.The other two CMS servers, CMS1b & CMS1c already have this configured.
You should now be able to use a web browser to access your CMS server admin interfaces. As mentioned earlier, there are some parameters for which you must browse to each CMS server individually, so even though we have created a DNS record (cms1.pod1.cms.lab) that includes all three of the CMS servers, it is best to explicitly connect to a particular server so you know which server you are configuring. Follow these steps to validate that the Web Admin service is working correctly.
You can repeat this on all CMS servers if you like, just to make sure the web admin service is running properly. Feel free to connect to CMS 1B at https://cms1b.pod9.cms.lab:8443 and CMS 1C at https://cms1c.pod9.cms.lab:8443.
If you plan to allow users to access their Spaces in Cisco Meeting Server via a browser, then you will need to configure the Web Bridge. It is the server role that enables users to manage and connect to their Spaces as well allow outside participants into conferences using only a WebRTC-enabled browser. New in version 2.9 of the Meeting Server software is a completely new version of Web Bridge which includes a new Meeting Server Web App and relies on a new intra-cluster communication protocol rather than XMPP for user authentication. We will be configuring the new version of Web Bridge (Web Bridge 3) in this lab and using the new Meeting Server Web App for browser-based calling instead of the more traditional WebRTC client which relied on XMPP services.
At this point in time, the legacy Web Bridge (Web Bridge 2) can be configured at the same time as Web Bridge 3. At some point in the future, however, support for XMPP and Web Bridge 2 will be removed from subsequent CMS releases. Boh Web Bridge 2 and Web Bridge 3 use a different protocol for user authentication. Web Bridge 2 relies on XMPP for authentication whereas Web Bridge 3 utilizes a new protocol called Callbridge to Webbridge (C2W). The benefit of the new Web Bridge 3 is that it does not require configuration of XMPP.
The first step is to set the HTTPS certificates. These are the certificates that will be presented to web browsers so they need to be signed by a certification authority and the hostname needs to match. The certificate file required here is the full chain of certificates that starts with the end entity certificate (cms1a.cer) and finishes with the CA root certificate (cmslab-root-ca.cer). We combined these certificates to form our certificate chain (cms1a-fullchain.cer) in the Certificates section of the lab already. Start by configuring cms1a:
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
Next, enable the listening interface and port. In this case, you will use port 443, the default HTTPS port, on interface a. Remember when you configured the Web Admin service, you used port 8443 to leave port 443 available for the Web Bridge service.
Aside from communicating with web clients, the Web Bridge service must communicate with Call Bridge servers on the backend. To do that securely, we need to configure the Callbridge to Webbridge port to listen on. Remember that Callbridge to Webbridge is a new protocol used solely by Web Bridge for the purpose of user authentication and takes the place of XMPP. The port used can be any unused port, but it's a good idea to make the address/port accessible from the Callbridge(s) only. In this case we will set it to 4443.
Next, configure the C2W connection certificates. You need to configure the SSL Server certificates used for the C2W connection. These are what will allow Web Bridge to communicate with Call Bridge securely using the C2W protocol
The Web Bridge 3 C2W server expects Call Bridges to present a client certificate; Web Bridge 3 will verify whether to trust them using the trust bundle provided by the following command which we need to enter:
The redirect feature redirects connections destined to port 80 on the server to the Web Bridge listening port, 443 in this case. This allows users to enter the name of the CMS server without appending https:// to the URL. Note that if you configured http redirect for Web Admin previously, this would fail as you must decide which service you want port 80 redirected to. As Web Bridge is a user-facing feature, it makes sense to make accessing it as simple as possible.
Enable the Web Bridge service and ensure certificates are verified.
There are a couple additional steps to enabling Web Bridge 3. We need to configure the Call Bridge service to use C2W connections. C2W certificates are used for the connection between Call Bridge and Web Bridge 3. For the Call Bridge to make a C2W connection to a Web Bridge 3, we need to specify a C2W trust store to verify certificates against, so that when the certificates we configured above are presented by the Web Bridge 3, Call Bridge will trust them. We achieve this by configuring the command below:
Now we need to restart the Call Bridge service:
We can check the status of the Call Bridge and verify that the c2w certificate is visible:
Finally, check the status. The webbridge3 command indicates that the process is enabled. To see if the process is actually running, use the webbridge3 status command.
Now that Web Bridge 3 is running on cms1a, configure it on the other two servers. Configure cms1b with the following commands:
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
c1sco123 |
Enter the following commands on cms1b:
Now enter these commands for the Call Bridge to Web Bridge trust bundle on cms1b and restart Call Bridge:
Verify that the certificate verification succeeded and Web Bridge is successfully enabled.
Finally, repeat these steps on cms1c.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
c1sco123 |
Enter the following commands on cms1c:
Now enter these commands for the Call Bridge to Web Bridge trust bundle on cms1c and restart Call Bridge:
Verify that the certificate verification succeeded for both services and Web Bridge/Call Bridge is successfully enabled.
Now that the Web Bridge service is running, you can point a browser to cms1a (https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab) or any CMS server running the Web Bridge service and you should get the sign in screen like shown below.
At this point you have not completely configured the Web Bridge, but in order for calls to a Call Bridge to be aware of a Web App-based user, the Call Bridge has to be configured with the details of every Web Bridge. In scalable, redundant deployments, this must be done via the CMS REST API.
Up until now, you have used the MMP (CLI) and web-based GUI to configure all CMS functions. For some small deployments, this may be all you need. However, for more advanced deployments, configuration via the API is required. Even in smaller deployments, it is useful to be comfortable with the basics of API configuration. You may never need to create a full-blown application for interacting with CMS programatically, but understanding API basics is critical to many functions on CMS that are not exposed via any of the other administrative interfaces.
Traditionally, an API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. It is also a specification as to how software applications can interact. In some sense, it is similar to the set of commands you can run and results you get back with a command-line interface. The difference is that a CLI generates output that is generally unstructured and easy for humans to read. APIs generate structured output that makes it easy for other programs to process and interpret that data. With the right tools, you can manually interact with the API and easily read and interpret the data.
With a CLI, you can often enter ? or some other help flag to get more information about what commands are available. That doesn't exist in an API; therefore, the API developer's guide is crucial to understanding what commands are available and how to use them. You can view the API Reference Guide here.
Cisco Meeting Server relies on a Representational State Transfer (REST) API. It uses the HTTP (or HTTPS) protocol as the underlying transport and is a stateless, client-server protocol, which means that if you're familiar with web-based URLs and their structure, you will easily be able understand REST. In REST, there are 4 supported types of operations, called verbs: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
Most REST APIs treat these verbs similarly. Here is what they do in the CMS API:
For example, if you want to query the system status for the uptime and software version, you would send a GET request to the CMS server. The API reference tells you that the uptime can be found by using the GET method on /system/status. Below is an exceprt from the CMS API Guide:
For the CMS API (and many RESTful APIs) all of these commands require /api/v1 as the base URL. This is documented in the API reference guide. The full URL to get the uptime of cms1a is therefore https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:8443/api/v1/system/status (username: admin password: c1sco123). You must use port 8443 because that is the Web Admin port you configured earlier. If you go to this link using a standard web browser, it will ask you to authenticate. You can use the same admin credentials you have been using for Web Admin. Once you do, you will get a result in XML format.
You can use a web browser to send basic GET requests like the one above, but for more complicated requests and to send a POST, PUT, or DELETE, you must use different tools. You could write a program using a variety of programming languages (Python, Java, .NET, and so on...), but there are ways to access the API without having to write a line of code. There are many applications available that allow you to interact with a REST API. One such application, that you will use in this lab, is called Postman. (Postman has already been installed for you, but for your reference, you can download Postman at
The default admin user has full access to the API, however it is best practice to create a dedicated user for API access. This is done from the MMP (CLI). Follow these steps to add an API user on each of the servers. These users are locally-significant, so you must configure the API user on each server individually.
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
On cms1a, enter the command user add apiadmin api to create a user named apiadmin with the api role. The password should be set to c1sco123:
You can use the user list command to confirm that the user was added.
The apiadmin account has already been created on CMS1b and CMS1c, so there is no need to configure anything there. Although the database is clustered in our lab, it is always a good practice to enable the same API account on all servers. For some parameters, such as ad-hoc conferencing and load balancing parameters, it is mandatory.
Now you will get familiarized with the Postman application.
The first thing you should do is have Postman ignore SSL certificate verification. If you are using certificates signed by a trusted CA in your production environment, you may not need to do this; however, for our lab this is necessary. Perform these steps:
Now you are ready to attempt your first request. Here is what the Postman UI should look like:
You have sent your first successful API GET request!
Any meeting hosted by Cisco Meeting Server takes place in what is known as a Space. Before Cisco acquired Acano, this was referred to as a coSpace and in the API the older coSpace terminology still persists, so any API method mentioning a coSpace is referring to what we today call a Space. Spaces can be created either via the WebAdmin GUI or API.
Another way to create Spaces in CMS is via an LDAP agreement. Information from your LDAP directory (such as Active Directory) is used to create a permanent, personal Space tied to that particular user. These Spaces can be accessed and administered by the end-user using the browser-based WebRTC client or Cisco Meeting App on a desktop or mobile device. Authentication is still relayed back to the LDAP server.
The Web Admin portal has an LDAP configuration section, but it does not expose all the more advanced configuration options and the information is not stored in the clustered database, so the configuration would have to be done manually on each server. If multiple LDAP agreements are required or if you deploy a database cluster, the API should be used to configure LDAP. You will use POST and PUT requests to accomplish this task.
Here is the LDAP server section of the API reference
LDAP methods reside in the API hierarchy under the /ldapMappings, /ldapServers and /ldapSources nodes in the object tree.
Let's look at the API reference for the various LDAP configuration objects. To set up LDAP synchronization, you first need to create an LDAP server object. Here is the LDAP server section of the API reference:
Using the above documentation, you can determine that the URL to access this API endpoint is https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:8443/api/v1/ldapServers. Because you are using the API, you only need to perform this configuration once on any node in the cluster and it will be replicated automatically.
Before you can send the necessary request, you must learn how to pass these parameters using Postman. Follow these steps to construct your POST request to add the LDAP servers.
Parameter / Key | Value |
address | |
portNumber | 636 |
username | CN=ldap,CN=Users,DC=cms,DC=lab |
password | c1sco123 |
secure | true |
As with the last POST request you performed, there is no body to the response but you can see that the Status for the response is a 200 OK which indicates the request was successful.
The best way to verify your configuration is to simply leave the URL and everything as-is, but change the POST to a GET and click Send again. In the response area at the bottom, you should make sure the Body has the Pretty display setting selected. The response should look like this:
You can now verify that the data you entered was set properly on the server. You see the address, port, username, and secure setting. You do not see the password, which is obviously a security feature. Notice that you also see an ldapServer id field. This is important because it uniquely identifies this server configuration in the database. This ID is generated dynamically and therefore the ID on your server will not match the one shown in these screen shots. You will need this value later in the lab, however we will provide a link to retrieve it again at that time, so it is not necessary to record it at this time.
Now you can move to the next element, the LDAP mapping. The LDAP mapping maps attributes in the LDAP directory to attributes in CMS. Take a look at the API reference for the LDAP Mapping configuration.
The following section takes you through configuring the LDAP Mapping. In the table below, the Parameter is the name of the attribute on the CMS side and the Value field represents the name of the object on the LDAP server. Follow these steps to configure your LDAP Mapping:
Parameter / Key | Value |
jidMapping | $sAMAccountName$@conf.pod9.cms.lab Description: The JID represents the login ID of the user into CMS. Because this is a Microsoft Active Directory LDAP server, the CMS JID maps to the sAMAccountName in LDAP, which is essentially the user's Active Directory login ID. Also notice that you are taking the sAMAccountName and appending the conf.pod9.cms.lab domain to the end of it because this is the login your users will use to log into CMS. |
nameMapping | $displayName$ Description: This maps what is contained in the displayName Active Directory field the the user's CMS name field. |
coSpaceNameMapping | $displayName$'s Space Description: This will create a CMS Space name based on the displayName field, such as "John Smith's Space". This field, along with the coSpaceUriMapping field are what are required for a Space to be created for each user. |
coSpaceUriMapping | $sAMAccountName$.space Description: The coSpaceUriMapping field defines the user portion of the URI associated with the user's personal Space. As you will see later, certain domains are configured for dialing into a space. If the user portion matches this field for one of those domains, the call will be extended into this user's Space. This will become clearer when you complete the call routing portion of the configuration later. |
coSpaceSecondaryUriMapping | $telephoneNumber|'/^.1919(.......)/7\1/'$ Description: This defines a second URI to reach the Space. You will use this to add a numeric alias to route calls into the imported user's Space as an alternative to the alphanumeric URI defined in the coSpaceUriMapping parameter. In this example, you want a number to be associated with the space based on the user's telephone number as defined in Active Directory. This command uses a transformation (similar to the UNIX sed program). The telephoneNumber values configured in Active Directory are in +E.164 format. For example, +19195551212. This transformation performs a match based on the first section, between the first two / signs, in this case ^.1919(.......). Just like in regular expressions, the ^ sign signifies the beginning of the string and the dot is a wildcard for any character. The parentheses are used to group portions of the match so that they can be used in manipulations later. In this example, ^.1919(.......) matches the number +19195551212. The next part of the line (between the / characters) is 7\1. This means that it will replace what it matched (+19195551212) with the number 7, plus the part of the match that was in parentheses, the last 7 dot's, or 5551212. In this example, if the number in active directory is +19195551212, the coSpaceSecondaryUriMapping will have a value of 75551212. |
You should again see the Status indicate 200 OK. You can verify the configuration by switching from a POST to a GET and then clicking Send. You should see response similar to the response below:
You might be wondering why the output does not show you all the parameters you configured. You should see the ldapMapping ID that identifies the newly created object along with the jidMapping and the nameMapping. As often is the case, the other settings are only visible if you query the object itself. In order to query the object itself, you need to append the ID for the item you want to retrieve to the URL.
For example, if the ldapMapping id is <ldapMapping id="e5c2bfab-0616-4903-abbc-ea1d4301d116"> (it will be different in your results), copy the ID value (e5c2bfab-0616-4903-abbc-ea1d4301d116 in this example) and append it to the URL that is already in Postman. Your URL should end up looking something like this: https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:8443/api/v1/ldapMappings/e5c2bfab-0616-4903-abbc-ea1d4301d116. Once you have the new URL in place, click Send again.
Now you see the full configuration for the LDAP Mapping. Notice how the coSpaceSecondaryUriMapping some of the characters changed? That is due to the x-www-form-urlencoded method of entry we selected. All of this is documented in the API guide, but after a bit of familiarity and practice working with these APIs, you will find that this type of lookup is very common. You will need the value of the ldapMappings ID in the next part of the lab, but we will provide a link to retrieve it at that time, so there is no need to note it down right now.
An LDAP server and an LDAP mapping is configured. Now you need to tie the two together by creating an LDAP source. Take a look at the API reference for the LDAP Source configuration:
You can see that the LDAP Server and LDAP Mapping are required parameters for this API call, along with several other mandatory and optional parameters. To retrieve the necessary ID values, you will need to use the API. The links to retrieve them are provided below. Go through the following steps to configure the LDAP Source:
Value | |
server | ldapServer ID This is the ldapServer id value from GET /ldapServers (username admin and password c1sco123) |
mapping | ldapMappings ID This is the ldapMappings ID value from GET /ldapMappings (username admin and password c1sco123) |
baseDn | CN=Users,DC=cms,DC=lab |
filter |
(&(memberOf=CN=Pod9,CN=Users,DC=cms,DC=lab)(objectClass=person)) This filter looks at all LDAP/Active Directory objects that are of an objectClass of person that are members of a particular Active Directory security group, (CN=Pod9,CN=Users,DC=cms,DC=lab). Any user added to this group in Active Directory will be imported into CMS. |
Now that the LDAP configuration is done, you can perform a manual sync operation. There's two ways to do this - through the Web Admin GUI or through the API.
To perform the sync via the Web Admin GUI, do the following:
Alternatively, you could have performed the sync using Postman by sending a POST request to the URL: https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:8443/api/v1/ldapSyncs, but at this point you won't see anything happening other than a 200 OK reply. You could also query the API via the browser for imported users and spaces using GET /api/v1/users and GET /api/v1/coSpaces.
Notice that for these Spaces, only the user portion of the URI is present. The domain or domains associated with these Spaces is not set here, but in the CMS Inbound call rules, which we will configure next.
In the Web Bridge section, we mentioned that you still need to configure the Call Bridge services to become aware of each Web Bridge service. Unless there is a direct one-to-one mapping of Call Bridges to Web Bridges, this configuration must be done via the API. This configuration requires us to use the POST request. Recall that you have deployed the Web Bridge 3 service on all three CMS servers.
For this operation, you will need to use POST method of the /webBridges part of the API. It is worth pointing out that even though you just configured Web Bridge-related items on the CLI, they are not populated in the database. For instance, if you click to perform a GET on the webBridges object on CMS1a: https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:8443/api/v1/webBridges (admin / c1sco123), you'll see there are a total of 0 Web Bridges reported. This may come as a surprise as you have done some Web Bridge configuration already on the CLI. None of that configuration gets stored in the shared database, from which the API gets its information. To let Call Bridge know about the Web Bridge services you have enabled, you must add them to the database via the API.
Let us take a look at the requirements for a POST to the webBridges object in the API guide.
As is often the case, there are a lot of options. There is no * by any parameter, which indicates the field is required for the API, however to create a usable Web Bridge, you need to at least specify the url parameter. You are configuring the Call Bridge and telling it the URL of the Web Bridge. Prior to Web Bridge 3, this URL was in the form https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab using the https:// protocol. If we were configuring Web Bridge 2, we could still use the HTTPS protocol, but with the newer Web Bridge 3 we will make use of the C2W protocol, so our URL will look like this: https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:4443 Recall that we configured Web Bridge to listen for C2W on port 4443, which is why we need to specify the port in this manner.
You will notice the Body of the response will be blank on the bottom half of the screen, however Postman indicates the response status code next to the Status: field which should be 200 OK indicating that the request was processed successfully. You have now added one Web Bridge. Follow these steps to add the other two, then check the status:
You should now have all the Web Bridges configured. Follow these steps to go back and confirm the three servers are entered properly.
If you followed the previous instructions correctly, you should now see all three Web Bridges on the list. You will notice that the output does not provide much detail. Many API requests will only return a UUID value for the object and you must query that object to get additional information about it. Note that the UUID values are unique and generated automatically, so the UUID values you see in this document will not match those in your environment. It is critical that any time you need a UUID value that you copy it from the output of your Postman client and not from this web page.
This gives you the detailed configuration for this particular object. As you can see, some of the optional parameters that were specified in the API reference are shown. Referencing an object by ID as we just did is also how we will later modify (PUT) and/or delete (DELETE) objects. At this point, your Web Bridge and Call Bridge services should be functional. For it to be usable by end users, we will need to have accounts for them to log into.
Now that you have configured Spaces that contain the user portion of the URI, you still need to configure the domains for which this Space applies. You do that via Incoming Call matching rules.
To determine how a call is handled, CMS only looks at the domain in the SIP Request-URI field. So if the SIP INVITE is destined to, CMS only cares about the CMS follows these rules for determining where to route a call:
Configuring Incoming Call Settings is required to be able to receive a call on CMS. In this lab, you want all Spaces to have a dedicated domain, conf.pod9.cms.lab. So at minimum, you want calls to that domain to target the Spaces.
Follow these steps to configure the Incoming Call Settings on your CMS cluster:
Notice that there are currently no forwarding rules configured and that the catch-all rule is set to reject calls.
Aside from the inbound/outbound calling parameters, there is one SIP setting in CMS that need to be configured to allow for encrypted calls. Configure that by following these steps:
We've done all we needed to do on the Cisco Meeting Server to accept calls. Next we will quickly take a look at outbound calling and then configure the Unified CM and Expressway-C to route calls to CMS.
Not all deployments will require Outbound call settings; however for clustered Callbridge deployments, they are mandatory, because servers themselves use outbound SIP calling rules to place calls between Callbridge cluster nodes for the purposes of cascading calls. Outbound calls are also used when a client, such as CMA or endpoints with ActiveControl support, invite participants to a Space, as well as when calls are hair-pinned through CMS (in order to transcode between standards-based SIP and Microsoft SIP).
Regarding intra-cluster peer calls: if you recall, on the CMS Configuration > Cluster page, the Peer link SIP domain setting determines the domain portion for intra-cluster calls. If it is blank, as it is in your lab configuration, then the destination CMS's IP address is used (e.g. for CB_cms1a it is @ If a peer link is configured, that domain must be routed exclusively to the CMS server node associated with that peer. This means that the domain is typically the FQDN of the destination Callbridge (e.g. for CB_cms1a it would be @cms1a.pod9.cms.lab). For this, an outbound rule must be configured in CMS with that domain/FQDN and indicate the destination of the call via the SIP Proxy setting. This SIP Proxy is usually an external call control, such as Expressway or Unified CM. This means that intracluster calls can be routed through an external call control agent as opposed to being sent directly between nodes.
You will need to add outbound routes for each of the 3 Call Bridges' IP addresses using the destination Call Bridge's IP address as the SIP Proxy to ensure those calls get sent directly to the respective node.
In addition to the intracluster calling rules, you will also add some rules that are specific to the call control integration. You will add the local Unified CM domain, pod9.cms.lab, as a standards-based SIP destination, but point it to the Expressway-C as the SIP Proxy. This will allow any outbound call or hairpinned call for that domain to be routed to the UCM cluster via Expressway-C. Finally, you will add a default, "catch-all", route. This rule allows clients (CMA and/or Jabber) to be able to invite participants using numeric numbers, not just URIs. When this type of call originates via Jabber, the domain of the Unified CM that the endpoint is registered to will be added when a number is dialed, therefore CMS needs to be able to reach the addresses of all UCM server nodes. The easiest way to do this is by configuring a default route from CMS.
Although you can perform these configuration tasks from the GUI (in the Configuration > Outbound calls section), we will show you how to use Postman to accomplish this task. Later you will verify the settings using the CMS admin GUI.
Domain | SIP proxy to use | Behavior | Priority | Description | Postman Bulk Edit Data |
---|---|---|---|---|---| | | Stop | 200 | Route to CMS1a's IP address. Used for intra-cluster call routing. | domain:
| | | Stop | 200 | Route to CMS1b's IP address. Used for intra-cluster call routing. | domain:
| | | Stop | 200 | Route to CMS1c's IP address. Used for intra-cluster call routing. | domain:
pod9.cms.lab | expc1a.pod9.cms.lab | Stop | 100 | Routes for UC domain to Expressway | domain:pod9.cms.lab
<blank> | expc1a.pod9.cms.lab | Stop | 1 | Default route to Expressway. Used for outbound numeric dialing capability | domain:
For this lab we will not configure any Dial Transform rules. Dial transform rules ONLY affect outbound calls and they do so prior to routing the calls using the Outbound calling rules. Note that for clustered deployments, Dial Transform rules must be configured via the API, not the Webadmin GUI.
This completes the CMS Dial Plan configuration. We now need to configure our external call control entities to route calls to CMS. Since our call flow will be Jabber → Unified CM → Expressway-C → CMS, we will begin with the Unified CM.
Now that you have CMS Spaces created via the LDAP configuration and the inbound call settings set up to allow calls into CMS, you need to configure the call control devices to route the calls to CMS. The two most common integration options for CMS are either directly to the Unified CM cluster or directly to Expressway-C. While there are many reasons for doing one or the other or both, for this lab you will integrate CMS initially with Expressway, and Expressway will have a SIP trunk to the Unified CM cluster. This is the best option to support Microsoft interoperability via CMS because Expressway has the capability to identify and route calls based on the variant of SIP (either Microsoft or standards-based). For this design, you will initially have only one SIP trunk from the Unified CM to the Expressway-C. This would be used for all Business to Business calling as well as CMS traffic. Later we will consider the ad-hoc conferencing use case for Unified CM endpoints, which will require additional trunks from the Unified CM to CMS.
Begin by configuring the Unified CM SIP Trunk to the Expressway-C, including SIP Trunk Security Profile, followed by the necessary dial-plan components. In short, we will configure the following:
If you would like to configure the Security Profile, SIP Trunk, Route Group, and Route List, continue with the following steps. If you would like to have this configuration created automatically for you, click HERE. You should see another window pop up with the results. If the addition is successful, you can skip the next few sections and move on to the Configure Dial Plan on Unified CM configuration.
Parameter | Value |
Device Name | EXPC1A-SIP-TRUNK |
Device Pool | Default |
SRTP Allowed | Checked |
Run On All Active Unified CM Nodes | Checked |
Calling Search Space | CSS_INBOUND_EDGE |
Calling and Connected Party Info Format | Deliver URI and DN in connected party, if available |
Destination | expc1a.pod9.cms.lab |
Destination Port | 5061 |
SIP Trunk Security Profile | Encrypted SIP Trunk Profile for Expc1a |
SIP Profile | Standard SIP Profile for Cisco VCS |
Normalization Script | vcs-interop |
The SIP trunk should be put into a Route Group, which needs to then be placed in a Route List. These should already be configured for you (called RG-EXPRESSWAY1 and RL-EXPRESSWAY1), however if you need a refresher, expand the following steps.
Now configure the Route List.
From the LDAP import, we created Spaces for all of our users with a 7XXXXXXX pattern. Unified CM needs to have a Route Pattern to be able to call those Spaces.
This will allow calls to that numeric range (7XXXXXXX) to be extended to Expressway.
With CMS primarily integrated to Expressway, the Unified CM dial-plan is essentially a Business-to-Business type of dial plan. Since we want to allow users to call any remote domain, we will use wildcards. We will be careful not to allow anything that matches the local Unified CM/Jabber domain, otherwise you could potentially create a loop, since the Expressway is configured to route that domain right back to the Unified CM. You will configure a wildcard pointing to Expressway and a block pattern for the local domain.
Parameter | Value |
IPv4 Pattern | |
Route Partition | PT_EXPRESSWAY |
SIP Trunk/Route List | RL-EXPRESSWAY1 |
Now that you are routing all domain calls that do not match a local URI to the Expressway-C, you must take into account that some URIs that match the local domain pod9.cms.lab, but no user exists for that URI, will also match. You want this traffic to be dropped. Perform the following steps to configure the SIP Route String so that calls to invalid local URIs will not be routed to the Expressway-C.
Parameter | Value |
IPv4 Pattern | |
Route Partition | PT_EXPRESSWAY |
SIP Trunk/Route List | RL-EXPRESSWAY1 |
Block Pattern | Checked |
Now that the Unified CM can route SIP calls to Expressway, we can focus on the Expressway dial plan. Cisco Expressway has the capability of routing calls, among other things, based on the SIP variant detected. Specifically, it can distinguish between Microsoft SIP calls and standards-based SIP calls, such as those originating from Unified CM and Jabber. Initially, we will use this capability so that we only route standards-based SIP calls for our UC domain (pod9.cms.lab) to the Unified CM. Any SIP call matching the CMS domain (conf.pod9.cms.lab) will be routed to CMS.
For this lab, your Expressway-C should already be configured with a system name, valid NTP server, and an internal DNS server. The server certificate and certificate authority certificates are installed as well. Additionally, it has the Traversal Zones for Business to Business communication via the Expressway-E set up, as well as a zone to the Unified CM.
What needs to be configured:
In order to route calls to Cisco Meeting Server, Zones are required. While it is possible to create a single Zone pointing to each of the CMS servers in the cluster and obtain a basic level of redundancy, this currently does not handle load balancing as implemented in CMS, because if CMS rejects a call when the capacity of the server is exceeded, the SIP 488 message returned by CMS will not cause Expressway to route the call to the next Zone member. Because of this limitation, one Zone per CMS server in a cluster is required. Expressway Search rules will then be configured to hunt through each zone in a top-down fashion.
Next, the exact same thing needs to be configured for CMS1b and CMS1c. You can click HERE to have it done for you, otherwise, repeat the above steps, simply changing the name of the Zone (to and ) and, of course, the Peer 1 address to and respectively.
From the Zone list, you can refresh this information a few times. Eventually, all Zones should go to the Active state.
Next we can focus on the dial plan. Expressway needs to route calls for the Unified CM domain to UCM and calls to the CMS domain to CMS.
In Expressway, SIP routes are configured using Search Rules. Begin with the Search rule for the Unified CM domain, pod9.cms.lab. Setting this rule is fairly straightforward, however, note that since the Unified CM can only support standards-based SIP calls, we will limit the rule to just that type (and ignore any call to the Unified CM domain that is a Microsoft-type SIP call.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority |
100 Note: Remember that the lower the number the higher the priority in the Expressway product |
Protocol | SIP |
SIP Variant | Standards-based |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string |
Note: This matches any of the following domains: cucm1a.pod9.cms.lab, cucm1b.pod9.cms.lab, or pod9.cms.lab For help with regular expressions, Expressway has a tool under Maintenance > Tools > Check Pattern. Also, sites like are helpful. |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match |
Stop If the call does not complete to this zone, do not continue hunting. |
Target | CUCM1 Zone |
Next we can add the Search rules for each of the CMS Zones. We will do these sequentially, so that in case of contention, Expressway will try them all in order.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority |
100 |
Protocol | SIP |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string | .*@conf\.pod9\.cms\.lab.* |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match |
Continue Because we want it to try CMS1b, if necessary |
Target | CMS1a Zone |
Now we can configure the CMS Domain to CMS1b rule. Except for the target and a higher Priority, it will be identical to the To CMS1a Zone
Finally we configure the CMS Domain to CMS1c Search rule.
One other call flow to consider is numeric dialing to a Space. The LDAP-imported Spaces were created with a number pattern of 7509XXXX. When Unified CM routes a numeric call, it will append the destination IP address or FQDN, depending on what is specified in the outbound SIP trunk. This means that a call destined to 75090001 will be sent to Expressway with a URI of 75090001@expc1a.pod9.cms.lab. We will add a Transform in Expressway to re-write the call so that it becomes 75090001@conf.pod9.cms.lab, for which the configured Search rules will route the call to CMS.
Now calls to CMS can be tested.
At this point the Unified Communications Manager and Meeting Server have all the configuration needed for you to be able to place a call from Jabber on your laptop into a space. Jabber should already be launched and registered. Test dialing by URI by calling directly from the Jabber client.
![]() |
Once that is successful, it's worth emphasizing that ActiveControl has negotiated. This means that the Jabber client realizes it is in a CMS conference. The regular ad-hoc conference button will be greyed out, but you can invite other users.
Features such as the active conference participant list, ability to remove participants, as well as the layout
features, are available because we have a version at or later than Jabber 12.5 and have allowed ActiveControl on
our SIP Trunks by enabling Allow iX Application Media on the SIP Profile applied to our trunks
to CMS.
A number of these capabilities can be further customized in CMS. For instance, you will now add the ability to mute a remote participant in a conference by accessing the CMS API via Postman.
Leave the current conference up for the next section, since these changes are dynamic and you will make them system-wide:
Keep in mind that this change was made to the callLegProfile associated with the systemProfile. If you recall the hierarchy below, this means that every Space, as long as it does not have a different callLegProfile that overrides this behavior, will inherit the ability to muteOthersAllowed property.
Branding in CMS refers to customization of prompts and backgrounds for Call Bridge and Web Bridge in order to present a user experience that reflects your company more personally. In some cases, it can enhance the experience for your users, such as when removing the prompts that play when joining an ad-hoc conference bridge call. In earlier versions, branding required a separate license and could only be hosted on an external web server. Since CMS 2.4, no special license is required for branding and CMS version 2.5 introduced the ability to host a single set of branding files on the Call Bridge server itself. This is the scenario we will configure in this lab.
There are 4 different types of customizations:
In each case, a ZIP file with the appropriate audio, images, and/or configuration files is required. If an image is larger than the specified maximum size or a particular audio file is missing (even if you didn't intend to modify that file), there is no attempt to fall back to default resources. That means that a missing background image from a customization file will result in a black background. A missing prompt file will result in blank audio in its place.
In this lab, we will illustrate changing the default background image of the Spaces we call in to. To do this, we only need to create a zip file with the relevant images, and then TFTP the file to all of the CMS servers running the Call Bridge service (and then restart Call Bridge).
Perform these steps:
Cisco Meeting Server Name | Password |
c1sco123 | |
c1sco123 | |
c1sco123 |
![]() |
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
While a Cisco Meeting Server Call Bridge cluster provides a scalable, redundant conferencing service, by default, CMS does not always make the most efficient use of the conferencing resources available to it and, at the same time, may simply allow a particular server to become over-subscribed.
For example, for a meeting with three participants, each participant may end up on three different Call Bridges. In order for those three participants to be able to participate in the same Space, the Call Bridges will automatically set up connections between all the servers to make the user experience seem like they are all on the same server. The unfortunate downside of this is that a single 3-person conference now consumes 6 media ports of capacity. This is obviously an inefficient use of resources, albeit a worst-case scenario. Additionally, when a Call Bridge is truly overloaded, the default mechanism is to continue accepting calls and provide service at a reduced quality to all callers on that Call Bridge.
These challenges are addressed by the Call Bridge Group feature. This feature was introduced in version 2.1 of the Cisco Meeting Server software and has been enhanced to support load balancing for both inbound and outbound calls, Cisco Meeting App (CMA), including WebRTC participants. This lab will introduce the principles and focus on load balancing of inbound calls.
To solve the over-subscription problem, three configurable load limits for each Call Bridge were introduced:
While the feature was designed to address call distribution and load balancing, other entities, such as TURN servers, Web Bridge servers, and Recorders can also be assigned to Call Bridge Groups so that they, too, can be properly grouped for optimal usage. If any of those objects is not assigned to a Call Bridge Group, they are assumed to be available to all servers without any particular priority.
With these simple values, there are a few things to keep in mind:
The other primary goal of the Call Bridge Group feature is to make sure that all participants within a Call Bridge Group accessing a particular Space will all be connected to the same server, thereby eliminating excessive distribution of calls between Call Bridge nodes. To make this happen, when a call is extended to a CMS to join a Space, the server will communicate with the other Call Bridge servers to determine which server is currently hosting the meeting. If it determines that a Space is being hosted by another server within the Group, then the destination serer will send a SIP INVITE with a Replaces header, essentially telling the Unified CM to transfer the call to it.
At the same time, if a meeting is hosted by a Call Bridge in one Call Bridge Group and someone wants to join from a different region and therefore dials in via a second Call Bridge Group, those calls will always be distributed between the servers in the different regions. The goal is to aggregate the calls for a Space on a single server within a given Call Bridge Group.
This feature imposes requirements on the call control. For Expressway, this means version X8.11 or later and the Meeting Server Load balancing option configured on Zones pointing to CMS, which is the default for all Zones using the Custom Zone profile.
For a CMS integration to Unified CM, this means Accept replaces header must be enabled in the SIP Trunk Security Profiles and each SIP trunk to CMS must have a Rerouting Calling Search Space configured to allow the call be be transferred between CMS SIP trunks.
To illustrate this problem you will add Search Rules to bypass Expressway that allow you to place a call to a CMS node's FQDN and have it be routed ONLY to that node specifically with no failover or redundancy.
To add these Search Rules, click HERE. You should see another window pop up with the results. The configuration may take a few seconds to complete.
Now you will place calls to the same Space from Jabber on the laptop, PC1 and PC2 to using domains cms1a.pod9.cms.lab, cms1b.pod9.cms.lab, and cms1c.pod9.cms.lab
The behavior illustrated above is an inefficient use of resources and is what we will be addressing by placing CMS servers into Call Bridge groups. By using Call Bridge Groups, calls for the same Space will be kept on a single Call Bridge.
There are three parts to configuring Call Bridge Groups and load balancing in CMS: creating Call Bridge Groups, enabling load balancing and relevant parameters; and applying the Call Bridge Group to the Call Bridges.
The first step to implementing Call Bridge Groups is to decide how to group your Call Bridges. You may choose to create groups by region, datacenter location, country, etc. For this lab, you will create a group called East, consisting of cms1a and cms1b, and a group called West, consisting only of cms1c.
Take a look at the API reference for the Call Bridge Group feature:
A quick look at the API reference shows that you need to give the new Call Bridge Group a name and can set loadBalancingEnabled to true. Since you are integrating with Cisco Expressway, you also need to set loadBalanceIndirectCalls to true.
You have enabled load balancing at the Call Bridge level but you have not yet configured any of the load parameters, so they are set to the default values. You can look at the current settings by performing an API query. The following API reference documentation shows how to retieve these values:
Follow these steps to perform a GET request to retrieve the Call Bridge Cluster details:
System | Load Limit |
Meeting Server 2000 | 500000 |
Meeting Server 1000 | 96000 |
X3 | 250000 |
X2 | 125000 |
X1 | 25000 |
VM | 1250 per vCPU |
As you can see in response, the newConferenceLoadLimitBasisPoints and existingConferenceLoadLimitBasisPoints parameters are present for each system and could be changed exactly the same way with a PUT command.
You have set system level load parameters and defined two Call Bridge Groups. Now you need to assign specific Call Bridges to Call Bridge Groups. The API reference outlines how to do this:
As you can see in the API Reference, you need to modify the /callBridges object and provide a callBridgeGroup. To do this, you need the ID values for both the Call Bridges as well as the ID's for the Call Bridge Groups. To retrieve this data, click to GET /callBridgeGroups and GET /callBridges. You could have used Postman to do these queries as well. Keep these two windows open so you can get the ID values for your queries.
Follow these steps to assign each Call Bridge to a Call Bridge Group. For this lab, we will assign the cms1a and cms1b to the East Call Bridge Group and cms1c to the West Call Bridge Group:
Now all the Call Bridges have Call Bridge Group IDs assigned, so they can properly reject calls if the system load limit is exceeded and automatically redirect calls to other servers in the group to keep all calls for a particular space on the same server within the group.
All of these parameters are useful, but how can you monitor the system load? This function is also performed via the API.
This API call gives you the current load value for the server to which you sent the request. To see the load across the cluster, you must send individual queries to each server in the cluster. The mediaProcessingLoad value gives you the load that is used to calculate whether or not to reject calls based on the load limit. Currently only the media traffic is monitored and measured, which is what consumes the majority of the CPU resources on the CMS server.
Another way to view the load on a CMS server is to use the Web Admin GUI on each Call Bridge. For example, if you navigate to https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:8443 and go to the Status > Calls menu, it will show you all the active calls on that server. Similar to the API, this view only shows you calls active on the server to which you are browsing. There is no way to get a cluster-wide view of calls.
To test Call Bridge Groups, we will simply repeat our earlier test call, where we place calls from Jabber on the laptop, PC1 and PC2 to using domains cms1a.pod9.cms.lab, cms1b.pod9.cms.lab, and cms1c.pod9.cms.lab. We expect that calls to CMS1a and CMS1b will be aggregated on one CMS (in the East CallBridge Group) with a distribution call to CMS1c (in the West CallBridge Group).
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
In traditional Unified CM telephony, ad-hoc conferencing is a call by which two participants are talking directly to one another when one party (using a device registered to the Unified CM) presses the Conference button, calls a different person, and after talking to that 3rd party, presses the Conference button again to join everyone into a 3-party conference. The exact steps may vary depending on the endpoint (e.g. Jabber vs. a physical phone endpoint), but it is always a non-scheduled escalation of a point-to-point call to a multi-party conference.
What makes this feature different than a scheduled or permanent conference is that an adhoc conference is not simply a SIP call to the CMS, as you will see from the configuration on the Unified CM. When the conference initiator presses the Conference button the second time to bring everyone into the same meeting, Unified CM must make an API call to CMS to create a conference on the fly, to which all the calls are then transferred. All this happens transparently to the participants.
This means that Unified CM needs to have the API credentials and Web Admin address/port configured, as well as a SIP trunk directly to the CMS server in in order to extend the call.
When required, CUCM can then dynamically create a Space on CMS, so that each call can be extended directly to CMS and match an Incoming call rule that targets Spaces. Therefore direct SIP trunks to each CMS node in the cluster are required on the Unfied CM. This is required for any Unified CM Integration.
You should see:
Note that the domain portion of the Request-URI in the SIP INVITE to a Call Bridge must match one of the configured inbound rules. In this lab, you configured the SIP Trunk Destination on the Unified CM server with the FQDN of the CMS server, cms1a.pod9.cms.lab for the case of cms1a. If the SIP trunk were configured with an IP address, for example, then you would need to add the IP addresses of your CMS servers to the list of domains in the Call matching rules and make sure Target Spaces is set to Yes.
In order to configure the Conference Bridge, a SIP trunk to CMS must exist. We'll configure that first.
For a secure SIP trunk, you first need to create a SIP Trunk Security Profile that allows for encrypted calls.
Now you can configure the SIP trunks from the UCM cluster to each of the CMS servers.
Parameter | Value |
Device Name | CMS1A-SIP-TRUNK |
Device Pool | Default |
SRTP Allowed | Checked |
Run On All Active Unified CM Nodes | Checked |
Calling Search Space (under the Inbound Calls section) | CSS_INBOUND_CMS This Calling Search Space is used to limit the calls that can originate from CMS. CMS should be able to call other video endpoints, but should not have PSTN access in this deployment to avoid any potential toll-fraud issues. |
Calling and Connected Party Info Format | Deliver URI and DN in connected party, if available |
Destination | cms1a.pod9.cms.lab NOTE: You will only configure one destination per trunk. This is because later on, for the ad-hoc conferencing feature, Unified CM needs the ability to send an API message to a specific Call Bridge server and then use a SIP trunk that can only reach that specific server. Also, if for some reason you see 16 blank lines for entering a destination, this is a browser problem (there should only be 1 shown by default). Use the '-' button to remove the lines 2 through 16 before saving the SIP trunk. |
Destination Port | 5061 |
SIP Trunk Security Profile | Encrypted SIP Trunk Profile for CMS1 |
Rerouting Calling Search Space | CSS_CMS_REROUTING Note: This parameter is needed for Call Bridge Groups, to be discussed later. |
SIP Profile | LTRCOL-2250 SIP Profile |
Normalization Script | cisco-meeting-server-interop Note that this is Unified CM 11.5. In older versions of Unified CM, the cisco-meeting-server-interop script did not exist, but could be manually uploaded or you could use the older conductor-interop script that existed in older versions of UCM. |
Now you must repeat this configuration to add trunks pointing to cms1b and cms1c. If you would like to do so manually, continue below. If you would like to have these trunks created automatically for you, click HERE to have them added for you automatically. You should see another window pop up with the results. If the addition is successful, you can skip this section and move on to the Adhoc Conference Bridge Configuration for cms1a configuration. If you would like to configure these manually, click the button below to expand the detailed steps.
Parameter | Value |
Device Name | CMS1B-SIP-TRUNK |
Device Pool | Default |
SRTP Allowed | Checked |
Run On All Active Unified CM Nodes | Checked |
Calling Search Space | CSS_INBOUND_CMS |
Calling and Connected Party Info Format | Deliver URI and DN in connected party, if available |
Destination | cms1b.pod9.cms.lab |
Destination Port | 5061 |
SIP Trunk Security Profile | Encrypted SIP Trunk Profile for CMS1 |
Rerouting Calling Search Space | CSS_CMS_REROUTING |
SIP Profile | LTRCOL-2250 SIP Profile |
Normalization Script | cisco-meeting-server-interop |
Finally, configure the trunk to cms1c.
Parameter | Value |
Device Name | CMS1C-SIP-TRUNK |
Device Pool | Default |
SRTP Allowed | Checked |
Run On All Active Unified CM Nodes | Checked |
Calling Search Space | CSS_INBOUND_CMS |
Calling and Connected Party Info Format | Deliver URI and DN in connected party, if available |
Destination | cms1c.pod9.cms.lab |
Destination Port | 5061 |
SIP Trunk Security Profile | Encrypted SIP Trunk Profile for CMS1 |
Rerouting Calling Search Space | CSS_CMS_REROUTING |
SIP Profile | LTRCOL-2250 SIP Profile |
Normalization Script | cisco-meeting-server-interop |
You should now have three SIP trunks configured. If you navigate to Device > Trunk in Unified CM Administration and click Find, you should see the trunks go in service as the SIP OPTIONS messages are answered. This can take a couple of minutes. Sometimes the admin page will report that SIP OPTIONS are not enabled until it goes to Full Service.
Start by configuring a conference bridge resource on the Unified CM cluster pointing to cms1a by following these steps:
If you reload the web page after a few seconds, the status of Conference Bridge device should eventually indicate it is registered. You may have wait up to 30 seconds and reload the page for the status to update.
The registration status only indicates the health of the API connectivity between Unified CM and the CMS server. The status does not have anything to do with the status of the SIP trunk. To become registered, the Unified CM connects to the CMS using the address, port, and credentials supplied. It then sends a GET request to the destination configured on the SIP trunk on the configured port, to check the CMS' system status. For the conference resource you just configured, this would be: https://cms1a.pod9.cms.lab:8443/api/v1/system/status. If you like, you can check this status from your browser using the GET /system/status (username: admin with password: ) request. The results will something like this:
If there is no response, or the Call Bridge isn't active, or any other error is returned, the conference bridge resource will not show as being registered. There is also one other important consideration: Remember that this connection always uses HTTPS. For that reason, the Unified CM MUST trust the certificate, specifically the Web Admin certificate, that the CMS presents when Unified CM connects to it.
Now you must repeat this configuration to the other two CMS servers as adhoc conference bridge resources. If you would like to do so manually, continue below. If you would like to have these CFB resources created automatically for you, click HERE to have them added for you automatically. You should see another window pop up with the results. If the addition is successful, you can skip this section and move on to the Media Resource Group / List configuration.
Now repeat the same configuration for the other two CMS servers, starting with CMS1B
Finally, configure the adhoc conference bridge for CMS1C
If you go back to Media Resources > Conference Bridge, and click the Find button, you should see that all three conference bridges are registered. If you don't the the last one you just configured registered yet, wait a few seconds and click Find again. Ignore the two devices named CFB_2 and CFB_3. These are software conference resources that are not being used.
Now that you have configured the Conference Bridge resources, you must configure Unified CM to make them available to users. By default, any device not assigned to a Media Resource Group is available to any user, however it is best practice to assign media resources to a Media Resource Group (MRG) and Media Resource Group List (MRGL) and then use the list to control how those resources are used.
Start by following these steps to add the Media Resource Group:
Now that you have created the Media Resource Group, proceed to create the Media Resource Group List by following these steps:
The last step is to assign the MRGL to devices that are allowed to use it. You could apply this MRGL to a device directly, however in most cases, it is best to assign the MRGL to a Device Pool to make it available to all the devices in the Device Pool. Follow these steps to add the MRGL you created to the Default Device Pool that is being used by your devices.
Now that you have everything configured, you can test making an adhoc conference call. From the Jabber endpoint on your laptop (Pod9 User4), you will place a call to Pod9 User1 by dialing +19195090001. This is a Jabber client on one of your Remote Desktop sessions (PC1). After the call is connected, you will then call Pod9 User2 (Remote Desktop session to PC2) and join the two calls into a conference. There are a few ways to perform this task this in Jabber, but you'll use the way that most closely replicates the sequence you would use on a physical phone endpoint.
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Pod9 User1 Auto-Answers |
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
One optional feature that CMS provides is the ability to record meetings to be viewed later by any or a portion of the attendees. The Recorder service provides the capability to record meetings and save the recordings on a Network File System (NFS) share. The recordings can then be retrieved later for consumption by attendees of a meeting. In addition to using the CMS Recorder service included with CMS, as of version 2.9 there is a new feature allowing recording of CMS meetings using a third-party SIP recording service. For the purposes of this lab, we will be demonstrating how to configure the built-in recording service, but it is important to be aware that the overall strategy for recording CMS meetings is in the process of changing so there are more options available to those administering the CMS environment.
CMS is flexible with regard to it's deployment options and may be used in several different ways:
Cisco never recommends having the Call Bridge and Recording services co-resident on a single server due to scalability concerns. With this in mind, the first model recommended by Cisco is the One-to-One model where the Call Bridge services run on one node and the Recorder service runs on a different node. The recorder then sends the recordings to an NFS share on a remote server within the network.
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The One-to-Many or Redundant Recorder model is another method of deploying the recorder when a resilient recorder is needed. When using this method, recordings are load-balanced between all available Recording nodes. This means that every Call Bridge uses every Recorder node available.
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This concept of using all available Recorder nodes applies in the opposite direction as well where there are many Call Bridge nodes but only a single Recorder available. While this is supported, it is not necessarily recommended due to the obvious scalability concerns with a model like this.
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As stated earlier, it is not recommended to host the Call Bridge, and Recorder services all on a single CMS node. However, for demo as well as testing purposes it is supported and it is the method we will utilize in this lab to demonstrate the capability of the recorder.
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The CMS Recorder service acts as an XMPP client, so we need to configure the XMPP server on the Call Bridge being used as the Recorder. We will not concern ourselves with configuring XMPP clustering at this point; the way recording works natively is changing and in future releases it will not rely on the XMPP service, so we want to configure XMPP merely to show how recording is currently achieved, realizing that in future releases the specific configuration will change slightly, doing away with the need for XMPP.
First, let's configure the XMPP service on CMS1a:
Cisco Meeting Server | Password |
cms1a.pod9.cms.lab |
Be sure to note the Call Bridge secret for each call bridge after you add them to the XMPP server. The secrets will be used in the next step below.
Start with cms1a by following these steps:
You should see that the XMPP connection is in a connected state.
Now that we have our XMPP server configured, we will focus on the actual Recorder-specific configuration. For the purposes of our lab we will also assume that the NFS server exists on our network and has been preconfigured with a share to store our recordings. In our lab we are using a Widows server for this purpose, but any NFS share will work. Let's start by connecting to the command-line of cms1a via SSH:
Now, we want to configure the Recorder service on cms1a. Because we are configuring the Recorder on the same CMS node as the Call Bridge service, we need to change the default configuration slightly. We want the CMS server to listen on it's local loopback so that cms1a can send recordings to itself and then forward them to the NFS server. We also want to configure the Recorder to listen on the 'a' interface so that the other Call Bridges in the cluster are able to send recordings to it. We must also specify a port to run the service on. We will select a port which we know does not already have another service running. To accomplish this, we will issue the commands below:
Once we've told the recorder to listen on the loopback as well as the primary network interface, we need to set the certificate file to be used by the recorder. We can use the certificate we already have on cms1a as well as the private key file used by the Call Bridge, let's specify those now with the command below.
We also need to add the certificate used by the Call Bridge to the Recorder trust store. Since we have a cluster, we need to specify the trust bundle we created earlier so that the Recorder will trust any of the Call Bridge nodes that might send recordings to it. We will specify that bundle with our command below:
Now that we have the certificates specified, we need to tell the Call Bridge where we want to send our Recordings. As mentioned earlier, this needs to be specified as an NFS path that exists on our network. We are sending our recordings to a Windows 2008 R2 Server running NFS services, but any NFS service will work. We will specify the hostname of the NFS server, as well as the directory to store the recordings.
We also want to set the resolution of our recorded meetings to 720p which will allow us to save a bit of space while not compromising video quality. Set the resolution by issuing the command below:
Next, let's enable the recorder service. If everything worked correctly, you should see a success message.
Now that we've enabled the recorder service on the command-line, we need to add the recorder to the Call Bridge using the API. To do that, we'll launch the Postman tool.
Next, we'll get the Recorder ID of the Recorder we just created.
Now we'll set the URL of the Recorder on the Call Bridge.
Now that we have specified the Recorder address, we should be able to record our meetings manually. Let's try a test call to make sure we see the 'Record' button and are able to initiate a recording. Then, we'll download the recording and play it back to insure it worked correctly. Jabber should already be launched and registered. First, place a call to directly from the Jabber client.
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Now that we're in a conference call, we can invite others to be part of the recording.
The CMS Recorder will now encode and write the video recording to the NFS share which will be available in a few moments.
Your recording should now be available to view in your Downloads folder.
You've finished the main portion of the lab. There are multiple additional optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
As mentioned earlier, any meeting hosted by Cisco Meeting Server takes place in what is known as a Space. Before Cisco acquired Acano, this was referred to as a coSpace and in the API the older coSpace terminology still persists, so any API method mentioning a coSpace is referring to what we today call a Space. Spaces can be created either via the WebAdmin GUI or API.
Spaces can be created through a variety of interfaces:
Technically, any integration to Unified CM for Ad-hoc conferencing leverages the API to dynamically create and remove Spaces on demand, as well.
While some configuration options can be made to an individual Space, all CMS settings related to call treatment and user experience in a Space are defined by a hierarchy of settings. Consider the following diagram. The values lower in the hierarchy will always override those in the higher, up to the global/system level. However if nothing is explicitly set in the lower profiles, then the higher level settings will be inherited.
For instance, the coSpaces object, which you can think of as a Space, can have settings defined via a callLegProfile (among other things) that are different from the global system profile. But within this coSpace, an individual coSpaceUser may have settings via a different callLegProfile that will override the coSpace's. This is how you can create, for example, a default layout with a different default for certain Spaces, with yet a different layout for certain individuals in the Space.
To create a simple Space, first take a quick look at the coSpaces server section of the API reference. The first thing to look at is to see if there are any mandatory parameters. These would have a * by the Parameter name. For creating the Space there are none, so we can simply peruse the guide for interesting settings:
For purposes of the lab, you will create a simple Space using the API that we will then configure further.
Parameter / Key | Value |
name | LTRCOL-2250 |
uri | pod9 |
Instead of entering these key/value pairs separately, you can toggle to Bulk Edit mode so you can now enter them all at once by pasting the following into the Bulk Edit window:
![]() |
Suppose you would like to configure this Space such that by default, people who call it will enter Guest access and are placed in a waiting room until a Host calls (using a different URI) and enters a passcode. To do this, you will create two callLegProfiles, one for the guest call behavior and another for the guest. Then the guest callLegProfile will be associated with the coSpace that you just created. The Host callLegProfile will then be attached to this same coSpace as an accessMethod.
Parameter / Key | Value | Description |
needsActivation | false | This callLegProfile will allow the caller to contribute audio and video. I.e. they are a "full/activator” participant |
defaultLayout | speakerOnly | speakerOnly is a full screen layout of only the host |
presentationContributionAllowed | true | Allowed to share content |
rxAudioMute | false | Allowed to send audio. Whether to block receiving audio from this call leg |
rxVideoMute | false | Allowed to send video |
Instead of entering these key/value pairs, you should toggle to Bulk Edit mode and enter them all at once by pasting the following into the Bulk Edit window:
Parameter / Key | Value | Description |
needsActivation | true | This callLegProfile requires a "full/activator” participant (i.e. a host) to join first |
defaultLayout | speakerOnly | speakerOnly is a full screen layout of only the host |
presentationContributionAllowed | false | Not allowed to share content |
rxAudioMute | true | Block receiving audio from this call leg |
rxVideoMute | false | Allowed to send video |
deactivationMode | deactivate | What to do when the last "activator" (host) leaves. In this case, participants will be removed from the meeting. |
Instead of entering these key/value pairs, you should toggle to Bulk Edit mode and enter them all at once by pasting the following into the Bulk Edit window:
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
While Expressway-E reboots, you can start configuring Expressway-C. This component sits on the internal enterprise network. It is the traversal client, establishing a tunnel from the inside to the Expressway-E in the edge network so that signaling can traverse the corporate firewall in both directions.
For this lab, your Expressway-C should already be configured with a system name, valid NTP server, and an internal DNS server. It also has its certificates and certificate authority certificates installed. Additionally, it has the Traversal Zones for Business to Business communication via the Expressway-E set up, as well as a zone to the Unified CM. The dial plan to use these zones is not yet set up and will be covered later as a part of this lab.
What remains to be configured is the following:
As you did for Expressway-E, you need to enable MRA to enable the Web Proxy functionality. Again, you may see alerts that MRA is not configured properly or that a domain is not assigned. That is normal.
Now that MRA is enabled, you can also configure the Cisco Meeting Server on Expressway-C.
After saving the configuration, you should see that Expressway performed a DNS query and determined what servers this URI maps to. You should see the list of all of your CMS servers on the Expressway UI.
The Expressway-C, as mentioned earlier, is the traversal client. This means that the initial traversal link setup always occurs from the C to the E. You configured the Expressway-E with a credential (the uctraversal user you created). Now you just need to create a traversal zone to tell the Expressway-C to connect to the Expressway-E. Follow these instructions to create the traversal zone:
You can refresh this information a few times, and eventually the zone should go Active.
The reason the UC Traversal Zone went to a Active state is because the Expressway-E trusted the Expressway-C's certificate. Remember that the Expressway-E has the Certificate Authority that signed the Expressway-C's certificate in its Trusted Certificate Authority list. Secondly, the Expressway-C trusted the certificate that the Expressway-E presented.
Open the browser to the Expressway-C and navigate to Maintenance > Security > Trusted CA certificate. You should see the self-signed CA certificate ("Temporary CA"), the cms-CMSLAB-AD-CA, which signs the internal server certificates, such as the CMS servers and Unified CM, as well as the public-root-CA certificate which will allow us to trust the certificate that the Expressway-E presented to us.
The Expressway-E server certificate has already been installed. For the Web Proxy feature there are no special requirements for it. In this lab, it is signed by the internal, private Certificate Authority (cms-CMSLAB-AD-CA). This is important since you will have encrypted communication and calls everywhere.
The Cisco Expressway provides secure firewall traversal for voice and video and supports many features, such as Business to Business calling and Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) as well as TURN server capability. As such, it is what is referred to as the Single Edge solution and is Cisco's preferred edge solution for Unified Communications and the Cisco Meeting Server.
For this lab, your Expressway-E should already be configured with some of the basics, such as a system name, a valid NTP server, a public DNS server, and a valid, signed Certificate, so these operations will not be required, but they will be pointed out, when important. It also has a Traversal Zone and a DNS Zone, which is to say, an established communications trunk for SIP to the internal Expressway-C, and a dynamic trunk that can establish SIP communication to external video services or Business to Business SIP calls to and from external customers. The dial plan to use any of these zones is not yet set up and will be covered later as a part of this lab.
The Expressway-E has two interfaces in our deployment, one facing the inside of the network and one facing the external, public internet. The advantage of using a dual interface configuration is that you are then able to deploy an address on the external interface that is statically NAT'd to a real outside address, instead of requiring a public IP address (or requiring NAT reflection by the external firewall, which isn't often supported). However, without any NAT requirements, the Expressway-E could be deployed with a single interface. The single-interface deployment would be very similar to the dual-interface deployment you will do in this lab.
As you have seen, the Cisco Meeting Server can provide access to users using WebRTC-enabled browsers. For those same users to have access the Cisco Meeting Server when on the Internet, you can configure the Web Proxy feature in the Cisco Expressway. This requires a number of configuration steps.
The first step in setting up the edge is to enable MRA. If you are familiar with the MRA feature you may find this requirement to be non-intuitive. MRA relies on the web proxy feature of Expressway, so to enable the web proxy feature, you must enable MRA, even if you are not actually deploying the MRA solution. You may see alerts indicating that MRA is not configured properly or that a domain is not assigned. This is normal if you are deploying web proxy for CMS, but not deploying the full MRA solution. Follow these steps to enable MRA on your Expressway-E:
When you are finished deploying the Web Proxy, you want end users to be able to enter a URL in their browser and reach the CMS Web Bridge. If left unchanged, the default port number for the Expressway Web Admin is port 443, which means that instead of connecting to the Web Proxy and reaching CMS, users would connect to the Expressway Web Admin. You can change the port that the Web Admin uses so that the default HTTPS port, 443, can be used for Web Proxy. Follow these steps to change the port number for Web Admin:
The Expressway-E server typically sits in the DMZ and has an interface that is directly reachable from the Internet (and in some cases this address is a NAT'd address). Most firewall policies do not allow connections from the DMZ to the internal network. However, most firewall policies do allow connections from the inside to go out to the DMZ and Internet. The Expressway-E is configured as a traversal server where it can accept connections initiated from traversal clients, such as Expressway-C, that are on the inside network. This connection is then used for bi-directional communication, allowing messages from Expressway-E to be sent to the Expressway-C that established the traversal connection. For Web Proxy, this traffic is HTTPS traffic to and from a web client on the Internet, which requires a type of traversal zone known as a UC traversal Zone. This is different than the typical Traversal Zone used for Business to Business communications, so unless the MRA feature was previously deployed on your Expressway, this would be a new requirement.
For the traversal connection to work, the Expressway-E must have a user that the Expressway-C will later use to authenticate. Follow these steps to add this user:
Now configure the UC Traversal zone:
Certificates on the Expressway-E are extremely important, since clients, whether a web browser from an Internet user or another company trying to communicate with your enterprise, must be able to trust the authenticity of the server they're connecting to. Therefore, Expressway-E certificates, in particular, should be signed by a trusted public Certificate Authority (CA) (e.g. Verisign, GoDaddy, etc...). The Expressway-E also needs to trust the connections from its internal clients, which are the Expressway-C traversal client and CMS as a TURN client. Because of these two requirements, the Expressway-E should have the root certificate from both the internal CA that signed the internal device certificates, as well as the CA that signed its own server certificate, loaded into the Trusted CA certificate store. These steps have already been done for you to save some time, but follow these steps to look at what has been done:
Open the browser to the Expressway-E and navigate to Maintenance > Security > Trusted CA certificate. You should see the self-signed CA certificate ("Temporary CA"), as well as the public-root-CA certificate, which will sign the certificate request from this server, and the cms-CMSLAB-AD-CA, which signs the internal server certificates, such as those from the Expressway-C and the CMS servers.
Although the Expressway-E has the root CA certificates, we need to check if it has a CA-signed server certificate. If it does not, you would first create a Certificate Signing Request, download the CSR, submit the CSR to the CA, and install the new certificate. But first, let's check.
The Expressway-E server certificate has already been installed as well. To examine, open the browser to the Expressway-E.
The system will now restart, which typically takes 2-3 minutes. The Expressway-E configuration is now complete. Don't forget that when it comes back, the administration GUI for Expressway will now be on port 445! While booting, you can continue with the next section by configuring the Expressway-C.
TURN stands for Traversal Using Relays around NAT. Basically it is a device that sits on the public Internet that sends and receives media. To function correctly, it must be reachable by both the external devices on the Internet and internal devices, such as CMS, so that audio and video traffic can flow into and out of an organization. The TURN server in this case acts as an anchor point for the media that is trusted by the firewall.
The CMS server can be deployed as an edge device and function as a TURN server, but since the Expressway-E has TURN server capabilities as well, that is what you will use for this lab. Regardless of which device is used as a TURN server to anchor media, the TURN server must be configured in the CMS database so that the Call Bridges know where to send media and, since the TURN server is on the public internet, the web client can know where to send its traffic. An Expressway-E, acting as a TURN server, will bridge the traffic received on its internal and external interfaces together so that users can establish two-way communication.
For any device to use a TURN server, authentication is required. You should configure another set of
authentication credentials on the
Now you can configure the Expressway-E TURN server.
While the Expressway-E is restarting, you can focus on CMS again. Now that the TURN server is enabled, Cisco Meeting Server needs to be made aware of it. The only way to configure it is via the API. Start by looking at the API reference to see how to set up and modify a TURN server.
Follow these steps to configure the TURN server on CMS:
Value | |
serverAddress | Description: The IP address that CMS should expect to get traffic from when invoking this TURN server. |
clientAddress | Description: The address that clients should send traffic to in order to reach this TURN server. This is the external address of the TURN server. |
username | Description: The TURN server username configured on the Expressway-E |
password | c1sco123 Description: The password associated with the TURN server user on the Expressway-E |
type | expressway |
Assuming you received a 200 OK response, use the GET method to examine the configuration.
By default, every CMS server maintains its own connection to each TURN server.
Now that TURN is configured and operational, you should be able to join a Space from a WebRTC client on the outside of the network. PC3 has been set up for this purpose. It is on the "outside" in that it has been completely firewalled so that it cannot reach any of the internal devices, except for the Expressway-E's external IP addresses, which is used for Web Proxy, TURN, and SIP signalling. The only way for this PC to reach the CMS server is to go through the Expressway-E and Expressway-C.
To test your TURN configuration, you need to access PC3 via Remote Desktop. Follow these steps to perform the test:
You now have WebRTC and TURN configured. If you like, you can now continue on to add support for Skype for Business/O365 gateway calling. This is especially useful if you don't have an on-premise Lync/Skype for Business deployment. Alternatively, you could take a look at the Microsoft on-premise integration example, where you will configure a dual-home conference with an on-premise Skype for Business deployment. Alternatively, you could take a look at Cisco Meeting Management for white-glove services and easier visibility of meetings in a clustered environment.
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
Now that you have configured the dial plan for inbound and outbound calls on the Expressway-E, you can turn your attention to the Expressway-C. Recall that you already have the Zone to UCM configured as well as three Zones for CMS, one for each individual server. You only need a rule to route calls that don't match the local Unified CM or CMS domains to the traversal zone so that it will reach the Expressway-E.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 150 |
Protocol | SIP |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string |
Note: Notice this is the same as the DNS zone on the Expressway-E. |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match |
Continue Note: Having this parameter set to Continue allows Expressway to keep searching for possible matches if there is a failure on this rule. We will show a use case for this later on when CMS is used to convert different SIP variants. |
Target | Traversal Zone |
Finally, we need to verify that TURN is configured and place a test call.
Business to Business (B2B) video communication is a core feature of the Expressway product. You will configure it in this lab as a stepping stone to enabling external B2B calls to Microsoft Skype for Business, which is basically a more complex version of a B2B call. B2B allows users to place video calls inbound and outbound from the enterprise to and from external video services or customers over the Internet, while traversing the corporate firewalls in a secure fashion.
At the heart of B2B calling is the Expressway's call routing capability. While it can perform domain-based routing like Unified CM and most other SIP call control entities, it also has the notion of a DNS zone. This is basically a wildcard destination and is configured on the Expressway-E, the component closest to the edge of the network. You do not need to explicitly define a remote destination. Instead, Expressway uses DNS to find the destination. This DNS Zone is already set up for you.
The DNS zone first performs a variety of DNS SRV lookups attempting to find the destination for the domain that is being called. For SIP, it looks for _sips._tcp.domain and/or _sip.tcp.domain depending on the security and encryption settings. If any of those SRV lookups fail, Expressway can be configured to also perform standard A record queries to find the destination. For the purposes of this lab, you will only be using SIP over TCP and leveraging SRV records in DNS to facilitate the connectivity. These lookups allow the Expressway to route calls to destinations that are not explicitly defined. The customer or video service can simply register these DNS SRV records in a public DNS and then automatically be able receive calls from external customers or clients. This is often referred to as an open federation.
A Traversal Zone which accepts a connection from the Expressway-C has already been set up for you, as well.
Now you can focus on configuring the dial plan on the Expressway-E. The dial plan will consist of only two rules. One rule will match anything destined to the local domain (pod9.cms.lab) or the CMS domain (conf.pod9.cms.lab) and send those calls to the Traversal Zone, as these calls are destined to the enterprise. The other rule will match anything else that did not match those two domains and route them to the DNS zone to find the destination on the Internet.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority |
10 Note: Remember that the lower the number the higher the priority in the Expressway product |
Protocol | SIP |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string |
Note: This regular expression matches any URI that is either the Jabber / Unified CM domain, pod9.cms.lab or the CMS domain, conf.pod9.cms.lab. The Expressway has good regular expression support. There is also a tool within the GUI, under Maintenance > Tools > Check pattern that allows you to test your expressions and has links to the relevant help sections. |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Stop |
Target | Traversal Zone |
Next, add a rule for the DNS zone. Instead of matching a wildcard, you will define the rule that matches any domain that does NOT match the local domains. Additionally we specify that the source of the call must be the Traversal Zone. We don't want external calls to be hairpinned back out via this zone.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 20 |
Protocol | SIP |
Source | Named |
Source name |
Traversal Zone Note: This is to limit this rule to requests coming from the inside/traversal zone. This avoids routing loops. |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string |
Note: Notice this is the previous regular expression, enclosed in a negation to indicate a match of anything that is NOT the old expression (?! old expression). |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Stop |
Target | DNS Zone |
Now we can move on to the Expressway-C configuration.
Now you're ready to add B2B capabilities with federation to external Microsoft Office 365/Skype for Business users. For the rendezvous-type calls, all the work is already done. The Expressway-C is already routing calls for the CMS domain (conf.pod9.cms.lab) to the CMS servers (cms1a, cms1b, cms1c) and these servers are perfectly capable of handling Microsoft SIP-based calls.
The other call flow is a gateway call, where you allow direct point-to-point calls between standards-based SIP endpoints and external Skype clients, utilizing CMS as a transcoder, without the end-user having to do anything other than dial the destination's URI. Inbound calls are fairly straightforward. A call to the UC domain that is of the Microsoft variant should first go through CMS before being sent to the Unified CM. Outbound calling is more complex. While it is easy to configure when the external domains involved are known, for this lab we will configure an open federation, where any external domain can be called without knowing in advance if it supports standards-based video or is a Microsoft SIP-based destination. Essentially, we will try standards-based SIP and if that fails, we will route the call through CMS and re-attempt as Microsoft SIP.
Beginning with the X8.9.1 release, Cisco Expressway has a feature where it can distinguish between standards-based SIP calls and various Microsoft SIP variants based on the headers present. If, for example, an inbound call arrives from a Skype for Business user destined for a standards-based Unified CM endpoint, the Expressway-C can send the call to CMS. The CMS can perform the interworking and send the call back to Expressway-C as a standards-based SIP call, which can be routed to the Unified CM.
Consider the two call scenarios:
Remember the goal of this interoperability with Skype for Business is to send Skype calls through the CMS server so they can be converted to Standards-based SIP. Consider each call flow, starting with a call from an external Skype for Business user dialing a user in the Enterprise (e.g. a Jabber user).
Any external Skype for Business / O365 site will use DNS to locate the Expressway-E, which will send the call to the Expressway-C.
For an external Microsoft Edge server to locate your network, the public DNS server requires the SRV record _sipfederationtls._tcp.pod9.cms.lab configured to resolve to the Expressway-E's external facing IP address. This SRV record is already set up in our lab's public DNS server. When a Skype for Business user places a call, the Microsoft Edge server looks for this DNS record for the domain being called and routes the call to the address it finds, thinking that it is communicating with another Microsoft Edge server. The Skype for Business call arrives at the Expressway-E which sends the call via the Traversal zone to the Expressway-C because the destination domain is our UC domain, pod9.cms.lab. Once the call arrives on the Expressway-C, that server needs to identify that the call contains the Microsoft SIP call variant and route the call to CMS. The CMS, in turn, receives the call and, recognizing that the destination domain is pod9.cms.lab, forwards it and, using an outbound rule, sends the call back to the Expressway-C as a standards-based SIP call. The CMS then anchors the call, performing the Microsoft-to-standards-based SIP interop. The Expressway-C, using Search rules already configured, can send the now-standard SIP call to Unified CM.
First add a rule to Expressway-C that will accept calls that have the Microsoft SIP variants and route them to CMS. As before, since we have a cluster, we must route the calls sequentially through each CMS node, each rule having a higher priority, and then stopping after the final CMS node is attempted.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 100 |
Protocol | SIP |
SIP Variant | Microsoft AV & Share |
Source | Any |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string | |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Continue |
Target | CMS1a Zone |
Click HERE to configure the Search rule for CMS1b and CMS1c or configure it manually by expanding the detailed steps. This rule will be identical to the one just configured, except for the name, priority, and in the case of the last rule, the match behavior will be to Stop
As before, we must consider the failover scenarios and add the same rules for CMS1b and CMS1c. First for CMS1b:
And finally a search rule for CMS1c. This one will no be set to Stop routing if it cannot accept the call.
Now inbound Skype for Business calls to the UC domain are sent to the CMS where it will accept the call and then forward it back to the Expressway-C as a standards-based SIP call because of the outbound rule configured for pod9.cms.lab as Standards-based SIP. Expressway-C already has a rule that matches standards-based SIP calls destined to this local UC domain, and routes them to the Unified CM (the UC domain StdSIP to CUCM rule). Inbound calls should work now. But what about outbound calls?
We already have a generic outbound B2B Search Rule in the Expressway-C. As we have seen, we can make successful outbound B2B calls. If you recall, this Rule ("Outbound Zone"), had a pattern behavior of Continue. This is because we need the subsequent Rules for when those calls fail because the domains are not registered as standards-based SIP domain in the public DNS. Instead, we will need to route those calls to CMS, which will then send them back as Lync-type calls, which will then be handled by the Expressway-E and routed to a Microsoft domain.
Consider a call from an internal endpoint destined to the URI Unified CM and Expressway have no idea if this is a call destined to a Skype for Business user or a Standards-based SIP endpoint. Expressway will initially think this call is to a Standards-based SIP endpoint. Looking at the rules you have configured so far on the Expressway-C, the Outbound Zone rule will be matched to send the call to the Traversal Zone. You should note that this rule has the On successful match parameter set to Continue. You will see why that is important in a moment.
The call is extended to the Expressway-E. Expressway-E then matches its rule that routes the call to the DNS Zone, as it is to a non-local domain. Since this call still contains none of the Microsoft-specific headers, this is assumed to be a standards-based SIP call. Therefore, Expressway-E when routing to the DNS Zone, the Expressway will ONLY send a standards-based SIP SRV request to the public DNS server, in the case of this example, or If the destination is a Skype for Business / Office365 site, they should not be advertising those DNS SRV records (otherwise they have the responsibility to actually support standards-based SIP calls). This means these SRV lookups will fail. As a result, Expressway-E rejects the call that came from Expressway-C with a 404 Not Found message.
Remember that the Outbound Zone search rule initially matched on the Expressway-C was set to Continue? This parameter tells Expressway-C to continue searching through the rules if there was no successful call completion. So what we can do at this point is insert a new rule to send calls for a non-local domain to the CMS. The CMS should route the call back to the Expressway-C, but this time with the Microsoft variants included. This new call matches another new rule, which will state that calls from the CMS with Microsoft SIP variants should route through the traversal zone to the Expressway-E. There it matches the same rule for the outbound DNS Zone, however, now the call actually has a Microsoft variant, which means that the Expressway-E will automatically issue DNS requests for This will resolve to the IP address of an external Microsoft Edge server and the call can proceed, all the while being anchored at the CMS for interoperability between the SIP variants.
To summarize, the way outbound calls work is Expressway first attempts to route the call directly using the Standard SIP variant and if that fails, it tries sending the call through CMS so that it can attempt the call as a Microsoft-variant call.
You just need to add a few more rules to the Expressway-C to implement the above requirements. The first is to match calls to non-local domains and send them to the CMS, but at a lower priority (higher priority value) than the existing Outbound Zone rule (with priority 150) so that it only applies if the standards-based call fails.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 151 |
Protocol | SIP |
SIP Variant | Standards-Based |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string | |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Continue |
Target | CMS1a Zone |
Now we add the same rule for CMS1b.
Click HERE to configure the Search rule for CMS1b and CMS1c or configure it manually by expanding the detailed steps. This rule will be identical to the one just configured, except for the name, priority, and in the case of the last rule, the match behavior will be to Stop
Now we add the same rule for CMS1b:
And finally we add the rule for CMS1c:
One of the challenges with this dial plan, is that it can be prone to routing loops if care is not taken. Specifically, CMS will be configured to forward all domains and then have multiple default routes, because a call may be destined to an unknown domain that is either standards-based or Microsoft SIP. The way we prevent loops here is by adding rules for calls originating from any of the CMS zones destined to unknown domains to route to the Traversal Zone (the Expressway-E) but then stopping.
Part of the complexities of this lab is that between an open federation model and support for numeric dialing from CMS, requires the CMS to have have a rule that forwards calls for all domains and then multiple default routes, since the outbound calls could be destined to Microsoft or standards-based SIP destinations. Basically, anything sent to CMS that is not destined to CMS will be returned as one form of SIP or another. Since Expressway has Search Rules that attempt an external call, then one of the CMS (then another, then the other), there is a huge risk for routing loops.
To mitigate this, we will add a Search rule that takes priority over the other outbound Search rules, such that calls originating from the CMS zones can try the Outbound Zone but will then Stop (as opposed to being sent back to potentially a different CMS).
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 140 |
Protocol | SIP |
Source | Named |
Source name | CMS1a Zone |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string | (?!.*@(conf\.)?pod9\.cms\.lab).* |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Stop |
Target | Traversal Zone |
Now we add the same rules for traffic originating from CMS1b and CMS1c.
Click HERE to configure the Search rule for CMS1b and CMS1c or configure it manually by expanding the detailed steps. This rule will be identical to the one just configured, except for the name and source Zone
Now we add the same rule for CMS1b:
And finally we add the rule for CMS1c:
From the CMS point of view, any call it receives that is destined to the UC local domain should be forwarded, then sent outbound using standards-based SIP trunk type. Any calls that arrive destined to a non-local/unknown domain should be forwarded and sent as a Lync trunk type. Also, any call that arrives using any of the CMS' FQDN's should be forwarded as well. This is important because Skype for Business users will perform callbacks to the CMS' FQDN domain, a limitation of us anchoring the call at CMS.
The Incoming call portion can be configured from the Web Admin GUI of CMS. Recall that CMS first consults the Call matching rules to see if the domain is to be treated as something that has a CMS-based Space, user, or IVR. If that doesn't match, it looks at the Call forwarding rules to see which domains should be forwarded, which means then that they would be subject to the Outbound calls rules. We want that to happen for every domain.
That's it. Everything that doesn't match the CMS domain gets forwarded. Now you must configure the Outbound calls rules.
For Lync-type calls in a clustered CMS environment, there is another consideration. For outbound calls from CMS, the Local contact domain must be set to the FQDN of the CMS server from which it originated. By default, the Local contact domain will also be used in the From field as long as "use dial plan" is configured in the forwarding rules for that domain. The From value, in turn, will be used by the S4B destination for callbacks and content sharing. How do we ensure that the outbound rule will fill in all this based on the specific CMS server that it is using? This is done via Call Bridge Scoping.
An example will make this clearer. Because we require Call Bridge scopes, we will need to configure the outbound rules via the API.
Parameter / Key | Value |
domain | Left blank, which defaults to "<match all domains>" |
sipProxy | expc1a.pod9.cms.lab |
trunkType | lync |
failureAction | continue There will now be multiple default routes, the first will try Lync, the last will try standards-based, which is necessary for numeric dialing from CMS. |
priority | 2 |
sipControlEncryption | encrypted Skype/Lync trunks must always be fully encrypted |
localContactDomain This will enable the remote clients to be able to call back or share with the call. |
cms1a.pod9.cms.lab |
localFromDomain This will make the call as it arrives at the remote end appear as originating from the UC domain. |
pod9.cms.lab |
scope | callBridge |
callbridge | This will be the callBridge ID value for CB_cms1a obtained from the GET /callBridges |
Paste the following into the Bulk Edit window:
If we navigate to CMS1a Outbound Rules (admin / c1sco123), we note the following added rules:
You'll notice the Call Bridge Scope at right has been set and should match the CMS server's fully qualified domain name in the Local contact domain column. Since we were querying CMS1a, the Call Bridge Scope for CB_cms1a shows "<local>"
Now that you have B2B configured and CMS is ready, you should try three different call types:
First try calling into a Space. You will need to initiate a call from each of the clients.
You should now be in the same Space with the Lync user. Feel free to call that same URI from the other Jabber users on PC1 and PC2. You can also try application sharing. This sets up an additional call for the Skype for Business user. You can monitor this on the CMS. Once finished, disconnect all call legs.
Now try calling from Jabber to the Skype for Business user at skype9@ms.lab. Be sure to access PC3 and answer this call with video, as there is no auto-answer.
![]() |
Skype for Business User Answers |
You should now have an established call between Jabber and Skype for Business.
![]() |
Next, reverse the call flow and call from Skype for Business to Jabber. The Skype client must call pod9user4@pod9.cms.lab, the URI of User4 on your laptop. You should find this in the Favorites folder of the Skype for Business client.
You should now have the same call up as before, but initiated from Skype for Business. When done, disconnect the call from all endpoints.
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
If you already completed the External WebRTC section, then you already have TURN configured. If not, you can expand the Configure TURN section below and configure it.
TURN stands for Traversal Using Relays around NAT. Basically it is a device that sits on the public Internet that sends and receives media. To function correctly, it must be reachable by both the external devices on the Internet and internal devices, such as CMS, so that audio and video traffic can flow into and out of an organization. The TURN server in this case acts as an anchor point for the media that is trusted by the firewall.
The CMS server can be deployed as an edge device and function as a TURN server, but since the Expressway-E has TURN server capabilities as well. That is what you will use for this lab. Regardless of which device is used as a TURN server to anchor media, the TURN server must be configured in the CMS database so that the Call Bridges know where to send media and, since the TURN server is on the public internet, the web client can know where to send its traffic. An Expressway-E, acting as a TURN server, will bridge the traffic received on its internal and external interfaces together so that users can establish two-way communication.
For any device to use a TURN server, authentication is required. You should configure another set of
authentication credentials on the
To avoid potential external firewalls blocking access to our TURN server, we would like the service to run on port 443, which happens to be the port we use to administer the Expressway-E. Therefore we will change this first.
Now you can configure the Expressway-E TURN server.
While the Expressway-E is restarting, we can focus on CMS again. Now that the TURN server is enabled, Cisco Meeting Server needs to be made aware of it. The only way to configure it is via the API. Start by looking at the API reference to see how to set up and modify a TURN server.
Follow these steps to configure the TURN server on CMS:
Value | |
serverAddress | Description: The IP address that CMS should expect to get traffic from when invoking this TURN server. |
clientAddress | Description: The address that clients should send traffic to in order to reach this TURN server. This is the external address of the TURN server. |
username | Description: The TURN server username configured on the Expressway-E |
password | c1sco123 Description: The password associated with the TURN server user on the Expressway-E |
type | expressway |
Assuming you received a 200 OK response, use the GET method to examine the configuration.
By default, every CMS server maintains its own connection to each TURN server.
You should now be able to test outbound B2B calls. Place a call outbound form Cisco Jabber to a B2B Video Conferencing service at, which is an external video conference hosted on a CMS in outside of the lab pods. If the call is successful, it routed via the Expressway-C to the Expressway-E and then to the DNS zone and out towards the Internet.
![]() |
B2B Meeting Bridge Auto-Answers |
Now let's take a look at a way to integrate on-premises Lync / Skype for Business with CMS via Expressway: the dual-home conference. This integration method provides the best end user experience because all participants, regardless of platform, will retain their native client experience. To Skype users, all participants will look like Skype users; and to users attending via the CMS meeting, everyone will appear as individual CMS meeting participants. A dual-homed conference is called such because for each meeting, a conference exists both in the Skype infrastructure side as well as on CMS. It is possible to integrate CMS directly with on-prem Skype for Business and the methods are similar, although that integration would only support audio/video. If you have an on-premises IM/P server, then you'll need to use Expressway.
Before you started, review the three domains in use:
Integrating either CMS or Expressway with Skype for Business Front End servers presents some additional certificate requirements. First, each Front End server must have the root CA that signed the Expressway-C and the CMS server certificates installed in its Local Machine Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. Having the same root CA certificate for all of these servers makes this step unnecessary.
Additionally, the Expressway-C's server certificate, when in a cluster, must be created such that there is a cluster FQDN as the Common Name and each cluster member as a SAN entry in the certificate. For non-clustered Expressways, the CN can simply be the FQDN of the server. Note that when integrating CMS directly to Skype for Business, this certificate requirement is the same, in that each CMS' cluster node would need to have a cluster FQDN as the CN and the cluster members in the SAN.
Skype for Business must trust the Expressway Server(s) and needs to be configured with a route to specify what domains should be sent to CMS via Expressway. To do this, first add a Trusted Application Pool matching the Expressway FQDN (this is the part that must match the Expressway server certificate's CN field). If this were an Expressway cluster, the Application Pool would specify the Expressway cluster FQDN Identity and the first member's FQDN as a ComputerFqdn. Then other cluster members would be associated to this Trusted Application Pool using the New-CsTrustedApplicationComputer command. Additionally, Skype for Business must trust the CMS nodes themselves, as they will be configured with a service account in order to look up Skype for Business meetings.
Next we configured a Trusted Application, which will map to this application pool:
Finally, we added the routes, assigning them to variables: one for the route to the CMS domain and the other for the domain matching the Unified CM endpoints, such as Jabber. These routes are then added to the global configuration (in most larger deployments, you may have a FEP-specific route that you assign this to). In our case, the routes will all point to Expressway. The topology change is then applied as shown below:
For a complete dual-home experience, CMS needs to be able to resolve Lync meetings and to do that it needs to register as a real S4B client. For this we need to create one or more accounts for each CMS cluster node on the Skype for Business server. For this purpose, we have created nine accounts on the S4B server (3 accounts for each CMS node), pod9cms1aedge[1-3]@s4b.cms.lab, pod9cms1bedge[1-3]@s4b.cms.lab, and pod9cms1cedge[1-3]@s4b.cms.lab, which will be used for this purpose.
As mentioned, this has already been configured, so it's time to move on to the Expressway configuration.
On Our Expressway-C, we need to identify how to handle the s4b.cms.lab domain. Any MSSIP variant matching that domain should be routed directly to the Microsoft Front End servers. Anything destined to that domain that is standards-based SIP must first go to CMS. And with that, we need to have three separate rules, one for each CMS cluster member zone.
First we will create the Search rule to route MSSIP calls to the S4B domain Front End.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 100 |
Protocol | SIP |
SIP Variant | Microsoft Variants |
Source | Any |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string | |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Stop |
Target | S4B Zone |
Now we can create the Search rule to route standards-based SIP calls for the S4B domain to CMS1a, CMS1b, and CMS1c in order to be transcoded. We will start with CMS1a.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 100 |
Protocol | SIP |
SIP Variant | Standards-based |
Source | Any |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string | |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Continue |
Target | CMS1a Zone |
Click HERE to configure the Search rule for CMS1b and CMS1c or configure it manually by expanding the detailed steps. This rule will be nearly identical to the one just configured.
As before, we must consider the failover scenarios and add the same rules for CMS1b and CMS1c. The easiest way to do this is to clone the previous rule. First for CMS1b:
And finally a search rule for CMS1c. This one will no longer continue hunting, if there is a failure. So the match behavior will be set to Stop
NOTE: If you completed the Expressway Edge with Skype for Business Gateway calls section, then the following Search Rules, which route MSSIP-type calls for the UC domain to CMS, will already be present: UC domain MSSIP to CMS1a, UC domain MSSIP to CMS1b, and UC domain MSSIP to CMS1c. On the Expressway-C, navigate to Configuration > Dial Plan > Search rules and verify that you have these 3 rules. Otherwise, expand the MSSIP for UC domain to CMS button below and configure them.
Parameter | Value |
Rule Name | |
Priority | 100 |
Protocol | SIP |
SIP Variant | Microsoft AV & Share |
Source | Any |
Mode | Alias pattern match |
Pattern type | Regex |
Pattern string | |
Pattern behavior | Leave |
On successful match | Continue |
Target | CMS1a Zone |
Click HERE to configure the Search rule for CMS1b and CMS1c or configure it manually by expanding the detailed steps. This rule will be identical to the one just configured, except for the name, priority, and in the case of the last rule, the match behavior will be to Stop
As before, we must consider the failover scenarios and add the same rules for CMS1b and CMS1c. First for CMS1b:
And finally a search rule for CMS1c. This one will no be set to Stop routing if it cannot accept the call.
In CMS, we will now receive calls to the S4B domain that are standards-based SIP. We need to accept the calls, forward them and route them back out as Lync-type trunks to Expressway. In doing so, we need to make sure the calls are handled properly such that S4B users can perform call backs and that the call signalling is properly routed to the CMS cluster node from where it originated.
You have CMS rules for accepting calls inbound as well as routing calls outbound. The one piece that is needed to allow CMS to accept a call inbound and immediately send it back out to an outbound destination is a forwarding rule. At a minimum, you need to allow CMS to forward calls to the Unified CM domain (pod9.cms.lab) as well as to the Skype for Business domain (s4b.cms.lab). You could configure these individually, but for now we'll show how to set this up to allow all calls to be forwarded unchanged.
Note: Depending on the sections you completed, you may see additional routes to these added.
Our CMS deployment already has an outbound route to the CUCM domain, but in order for calls to be routed to the Skype for Business domain, s4b.cms.lab, another route is required. Then a rule is required in order for calls to target that domain and allow for conference resolution.
Now you can configure the required outbound rules and inbound rules as follows.
You have previously configured inbound and outbound CMS routing rules before using the GUI. Do the same via the API as follows (and we will note the equivalent GUI and API parameters):
GUI Parameter | API Parameter | Value |
Domain | domain |
s4b.cms.lab Our Skype for Business domain. |
SIP proxy to use | sipProxy | expc1a.pod9.cms.lab |
Local contact domain | localContactDomain |
cms1a.pod9.cms.lab The CMS1a FQDN. |
Trunk type | trunkType | Lync |
Behavior | failureAction | Stop |
Priority | priority | 90 |
Encryption | sipControlEncryption | Encrypted |
Call Bridge Scope | scope | callBridge |
Call Bridge Scope | callbridge | ###_CB_cms1a_callBridge_ID_### |
In Postman, the following parameter pairs can be pasted in to the bulk entry window:
GUI Parameter | API Parameter | Value |
Domain name | domain | s4b.cms.lab |
Priority | priority | 40 |
Targets spaces | resolveTocoSpaces | No |
Targets users | resolveToUsers | No |
Targets IVRs | resolveToIvrs | No |
Targets Lync | resolveToLyncConferences | Yes |
If you also required numeric dialing of Skype for Business meetings from Unified CM you could have also set Targets Lync to Yes on each of the three existing rules that map to the CMS FQDNs for calls matching the CMS domain. In this lab, you won't use that so we will skip that optional step.
In order for CMS to join Dual Home meetings via the PSTN Dialin number or use Skype for Business Edge TURN services, each CMS node must be configured with one or more service accounts. Lync allows up to 12 TURN allocations per login, so we may need more than one per server. This configuration should be done via the GUI of each meeting server.
In Dual Home Conferences, the key is for CMS to be able to resolve Skype for Business meeting information.
Normally you would have Outlook to schedule a new meeting. To speed things up, we have set up a conference already and will test joining it to illustrate the process of CMS lookup up and joining a Skype for Business meeting.
Here is the meeting information:
We see there is a meeting URL, which Skype for Business clients would click, and a conference ID, which is not the what CMS will need to resolve to a URI in order to join the meeting. To the standards-based SIP users, they will simply need to dial the conferenceID@skypedomain and CMS will handle the rest.
This concludes the on-prem Skype for Business integration example. If you are interested in external Edge connectivity for WebRTC clients or the Cisco Meeting Management (CMM) product and have not yet completed those sections, feel free to work on them now.
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
Cisco Meeting Management (CMM) is a product installed on a separate server that provides a user-friendly browser interface for video operators to monitor and manage meetings that are running on one or more Meeting Servers.
In this lab, we have already installed the CMM application for you. Since release 2.5, CMM allows both local and LDAP-synchronized accounts. Setting this up consisted of a few steps that we will point out here:
At this point we can continue configuration of our system.
This is where we pick up our installation. Your CMM's system administrators group includes the admin account. Let's log in now.
Once signed in, we see there are at least four notifications. LDAP and NTP are not yet configured.
Another warning indicates that there should be at least one CMS configured to be managed. Finally, the error states that a CDR receiver address must be set.
Let's complete the initial configuration by resolving these warning/error messages.
To configure the NTP server, perform the following
In order to receive information from Call Bridges, the CMM server needs to be installed as a CDR (Call Detail Record) receiver. The URL for this--which is usually just the URL of the CMM itself, https://cmm1.pod9.cms.lab in this example--is what the managed CMS servers will use to send CDRs to CMM. Therefore the CMM must be able to resolve this address via DNS and IP communication from CMS to port 443 (https) of the CMM must not be blocked. Furthermore, the certificate that CMM will present is configured here as well and it should be one that is signed by a private or public Certificate Authority, not the self-signed certificate that is installed by default.
Next we will add our CMS servers.
Now you should see all 3 CMS servers properly added.
Out of the box, Cisco Meeting Management creates only one local account, admin. While this may be sufficient for configuring the server initially, in most cases there is a group of users that will be allowed management of the conferences. This can be done by creating more local accounts, or we can utilize an LDAP group which will allow authorization based on LDAP group membership.
The restart only takes a minute or two. The LDAP configuration and our basic CMM configuration is now complete. Once the system has booted up again, let's sign in as the LDAP-synched video admin user and place a call into CMS.
This concludes the management portion of the lab. If you like, feel free to continue on and learn about client edge connectivity using Cisco Expressway. This will show you how to provide access for external WebRTC users. From there you can proceed to add support for external Skype for Business destinations via gateway calling.
You may also choose to skip ahead to the (shorter) Microsoft on-premise integration example, where you will learn about what is needed to configure a dual-home conferencing experience. From there you can pick up the Expressway Edge section, if time permits.
You've finished this portion of the lab. We have multiple other optional lab sections, depending on your time and interest, to continue on.
Quite often in the course of setting up or managing the CMS platform you may find the need to troubleshoot a particular problem either with configuration or day-to-day operational issues. Fortunately, there are several tools at your disposal to isolate issues if they occur. This section will walk you through a few of the tools at your disposal to isolate issues, as well as provide troubleshooting information to the Cisco TAC if required.
Below, you'll find a list of several of these tools that can be used to diagnose common problems.
Let's begin by taking a look at the various ways these different troubleshooting methods might be employed to gain visibility into what's going on with our CMS cluster in the event of an issue. We will look briefly at each method listed above, but be aware this will not be an exhaustive section. Each of these troubleshooting tools/methods can be used far beyond what we will take a look at in this lab. The goal of this section is to simply give you an idea of some of the ways to begin looking into common problems.
One of the first places to check when you suspect an issue with CMS is the Webadmin interface. Webadmin, when enabled, offers a quick glance at what the current state of the local node and cluster might be. You can check things like alarms as well as gather certain logs and enable detailed tracing. There are also some hidden areas that provide valuable information which we will look at.
Let's first take a look at the System Status on the General page to see if there are any glaring issues.
Another way to take advantage of troubleshooting capabilities in the Webadmin interface is by enabling Detailed Tracing and viewing logs within the web browser. By enabling detailed tracing, you insure that the logs which are accessible in the browser (and in the downloadable syslog files) contain detailed trace information for troubleshooting purposes. Without enabling detailed tracing, the syslog messages logged will not contain more detailed troubleshooting information necessary to isolate certain issues.
![]() |
A little-known fact about CMS is a collection of hidden pages designed to provide certain information about individual CMS servers and the cluster as a whole. These pages are accessible once you've logged into the Webadmin interface, but are not linked-to from the standard menus at the top of the GUI. You won't find these pages documented officially and are not supported by Cisco TAC, but they can be useful for certain tasks that are only accessed via other methods such as the API. Our goal is simply to show you what tools are available and allow you to choose the right tool for a given task. With these caveats in mind, let's explore these hidden pages briefly.
You'll be presented with the following page. Each of the hyperlinks on the page leads to another hidden page described above. Take some time to explore each of the pages to see the information contained therein.
CMS displays a landing page with some useful information regarding the current node including Version, Uptime, CPU Usage (current and average) and other information. In addition, there are links to other pages you can access from the Webadmin interface including cmd.html where you can issue certain CLI commands, memory.html where you can learn everything you ever wanted to know about memory allocation on the server, placement.html which has useful information about the current call processing node - in particular the free/used/limit information regarding the current node. What this means is that you can see a snapshot of your currently active node at any given time and how many calls it can handle. In addition to these there are several more pages worth looking at.
There are many items we could highlight to show the value of these hidden troubleshooting pages, but perhaps a useful example would be to take a look at would be on the placement page where we can determine what load the system is under and on different platforms like the CMS 2000 server can even show you what media module (blade) the call lands on.
Click on placement.html which will take you to the placement page, meant to show, among other things, how many media modules are in service and where the calls on CMS are being serviced from. On the CMS servers we're using, there is only one media module, but on the legacy Acano X-Series servers there were several, as well as on the CMS 2000 platform which is a current CMS platform.
As you can see, there's a lot of information on this page. In particular, notice that it shows the number of active calls present on this server. It also displays the resource utilization for the media module present within this VM. They are displayed in the format free/used/limit.
Notice, in particular, the line on the screenshot below which begins with .
If we were on the CMS 2000 platform, for instance, we would see 7 lines that begin this way, each of which
represent a separate media module (UCS Blade Server) on the chassis. Each media module is identified by a
name beginning with BEEF and subsequent modules would be denoted by 0200,
0300, and so on. There's a screenshot taken from a CMS 2000 below showing the additional
media modules as an example.
Refresh the placement.html page and you should now see that there are two active calls on CMS1C, one is the call we placed from PC2, and one is the distributed call joining the call on either CMS1A or CMS1B to this call because CMS1C is in a different Callbridge Group.
Note that we can see the resources consumed on CMS1C by looking at that middle number shown in the screenshot below. If this were a CMS 2000 platform, we could also tell what Media Module the call landed on, which might help to isolate issues observed to a particular blade server.
Depending what type of issue you're troubleshooting, there are some useful troubleshooting steps that can be performed via the CLI interface on each CMS server in your cluster. One of these steps is to issue the syslog follow command, which will provide a stream of syslog messages to the console and can be useful if the amount of syslog messages is somewhat small, or if you have a small cluster and need to isolate which node is handling a particular call, for instance.
![]() |
Another troubleshooting step that can be performed from the CLI is to start a packet capture that can then be downloaded via SFTP for analysis. This packet capture will show all packets entering or exiting a given interface on the CMS server. The packet capture is limited to 100MB.
Packet capture running: press Ctrl-C to stop |
![]() |
cms1a> pcap a
Packet capture running: press Ctrl-C to stop
^CTransferring packet capture: please wait...
Packet capture available in admin-a-20191130-191054.pcap
Captured 5201 packets, 424416 bytes
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
Using username "admin".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password: c1sco123
Connected to cms1a.pod9.cms.lab.
Remote working directory is /
psftp> dir admin*
Listing directory /
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 424416 Nov 30 16:37 admin-a-20191130-191054.pcap
psftp> get ****YOUR PCAP FILENAME****
remote:/****YOUR PCAP FILENAME**** ==> local:****YOUR PCAP FILENAME****
This is a very useful troubleshooting step that may even be requested by Cisco TAC under certain circumstances. For reproducible issues, you may be required by TAC to start a packet capture before reproducing a failed call, for instance. In the event that this is required, you can see that it's a fairly simple procedure.
A listing of all user-accessible files can be viewed by establishing an SFTP session to individual CMS nodes. These files include certificates and keys, license files, crash dump files, backup files, an audit log, pcaps.
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
Using username "admin".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password: c1sco123
Connected to cms1a.pod9.cms.lab.
Remote working directory is /
psftp> dir
Listing directory /
*** omitting certain files for brevity ***
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 3642 Mar 01 16:37 ACANO-MIB.txt
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 1267 Mar 01 17:06 ACANO-SYSLOG-MIB.txt
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 286556160 Mar 23 23:19 upgrade.img
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 96256 Mar 25 10:07 2_5_2.bak
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:12 cms1a.csr
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:12 cms1a.key
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:20 dbclusterserver.key
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:20 dbclusterserver.csr
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:20 dbclusterclient.csr
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:20 dbclusterclient.key
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:25 dbclusterserver.cer
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:25 cms1a.cer
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:25 cms1abc.cer
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:25 cmslab-root-ca.cer
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 04 10:25 dbclusterclient.cer
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 2180404 Nov 04 14:22
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81730 Nov 27 08:47 boot.json
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 30 17:40 cms.lic
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 81666 Nov 30 17:40 live.json
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 1580636 Nov 30 17:40 audit
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 84036440 Nov 30 17:40 log
-r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 1 Nov 30 17:40 logbundle.tar.gz
Certain files have been highlighted because we have not talked about them previously in the lab. The upgrade.img file is the file used to upgrade CMS from a previous version. Any backups taken during the course of those upgrades will have the .bak extension, as you see 2_5_2.bak has. boot.json and live.json files, for instance, which are configuration files denoting the startup configuration and running configuration of the CMS server respectively. The audit log contains audit information regarding logins and errors for the CMS server. log is the syslog file which gets packaged in the next file we see, logbundle.tar.gz
Each of these files may be required for certain troubleshooting scenarios. In this case we want to make you aware of what they are and what information they contain
Since version 2.2 of Meeting Server, the ability to collect logs via this single file has been available via SFTP. Included in this file is a copy of the CMS database, any .dmp files information on currently active calls, and syslog files. Note that the syslog file will only contain detailed logs if those logs have been enabled via the Webadmin interface (Logs --> Detailed Tracing). To collect this file, we will simply connect via SFTP to cms1a and issue the GET command.
psftp admin@cms1a.pod9.cms.lab
Using username "admin".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password: c1sco123
Connected to cms1a.pod9.cms.lab.
Remote working directory is /
psftp> get logbundle.tar.gz
remote:/logbundle.tar.gz => local:logbundle.tar.gz
Once you have the archive, it can be extracted and its contents viewed. Shown below are the contents of the
This single archive is arguably one of the most important single troubleshooting files made available by CMS, and will often be requested by Cisco TAC engineers in their efforts to solve certain problems. Extracting the logbundle may be accomplished using 7Zip and various other utilities, but is beyond the scope of this lab. Awareness of this file, as well as what is contained within it is our focus today.
The API can be used for certain troubleshooting tasks as well. For instance, we can use it to query individual Callbridge nodes to see what their current load level is. We can also use it to obtain call diagnostic information or query the cluster to see what alarms are active, if any. For certain tasks, the API can be a very valuable troubleshooting tool.
For the scope of this lab, we will focus on one particular aspect of the API for troubleshooting purposes. It is possible to gather call diagnostic information using the API.
We should see the call information including the Call ID that we need to enable diagnostic information on this call.
This concludes the troubleshooting section of the lab. Hopefully you have a better idea what tools are available to you as a CMS user, and can select the right tool for the job of troubleshooting any issues that may occur. While we would love to have a product that never has any issues, the reality is that there is always a need to understand and diagnose behavior that we don't understand in this or any product we may be using. Better understanding what tools are available to us can speed our time to resolution and provide a better overall user experience.